A icon who falls under the cateory of Bisexual,usually a celebrity or a TikTok star.
OMG Bella Thorne is such a Bi-con did you see what she posted on Instagram.
a person that didnt even bother reading the reviews
did you even read the reviews you fuck bi furry
A bisexual that respects every sexuality.
Be a calm bi.
And please, please, please don’t be a raging bi
I met a calm bi today, and she was super nice. I respect her.
Bi Dog is a slang word for exactly what you think. A shitfaced bisexual of course. These puppies might try to confuse you with lies about their age, gender, and even sexuality. Their ages vary from 9 to 15 years old, anything above that age is depicted as a sad ass manchild. Most of the time, they will easily get offended or triggered if you unintentionally tease them. This will make them mad, but of course, they make a mountain out of a molehill and pretend to have depression. Even worse than that is sometimes, they make shitty animations involving furries, false depression or anime, and or talk about their feelings about how "tragic" their lives are. All of this nonsense is bait for exactly what you think. ATTENTION!
That faggot on youtube is lying about their sexuality, what a bi dog!
Bi dogs are everywhere, acting like their special snowflakes.
A bi dog just ranted about me!
P1: yr mum giey
P2: yr dad lesbian
P1: yr granny tranny
P2: *cries of sadness* your brother an other
God: your aunt bi
*the universe restarts itself*
Your aunt bi is something that you use carefully
the act of dressing so F.O.B. that people actually think your bi or gay.
pronounced fob-b
omgsh that guy must be fob-bi.