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Tom Girl

Tom Girls have strength with style. They like to do things that boys like to do yet look like girls. They are most comfortable kicking ass as in a pretty dress.

Wow, that Tom Girl did a huge 360 while wearing a pink miniskirt.

by tomgirlchronicles September 16, 2010

157๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom Supple

A beautiful example of quite possibly the best person ever. Tom Supples' are generally some of the most gorgeous specimens of males you will ever meet. Females swoon over them and they have fabulous appearances. They are in every sense of the word perfect, and no one can compare. They also have massive penises and gets/gives the best sex out of everyone in the world.

lol jk he is Macaulay Culkin.

Tom Supple - the best thing you will never meet.

by tattooedbutterfly August 8, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom Sawyer

In the South along the Mississippi River, a Tom Sawyer is a lynched black man hanging from a tree whose roots are in the river--making the tree seemingly grow from the riverbed.

Mark Twain should change his name because he ain't that deep. The real Tom Sawyer was in need of a lawyer before he took the dead man's leap.

by Mamma Murder May 14, 2010

58๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom Green

term for marijuana

'wanna go hang out with tom green later?'

by downcaste722 August 22, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom DeLonge

Too bad Fugazi was only his FAVORITE band growing up. To be influenced by something doesnt mean to copy it. People don't like him or his music just because he's famous, and the cool thing now is to not like famous bands.

Some people say Tom Delonge makes pop-punk music. So whats the big deal? To we really need the generalization or derrogatory name?

by ShitKicker January 26, 2005

94๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

tom brady

an ok quarterback. hes got the best wide receivers in the league that catch passes anywhere and has a great running back. if he was on any other team he would have normal numbers at best. he is so overrated its not even funny...whoever says he is underrated is just plain stupid.

tom brady is underrated, don't you think so?

no are you stupid hes always on tv and is overrated,Peyton mannings still good without Marvin Harrison and Anthony Gonzalez

by Fahot December 1, 2007

199๐Ÿ‘ 222๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom DeLonge

see: asshole...
What can I say about him? He is a horrible singer, a mediocre guitarist, but for some reason, people (including me) seem to enjoy his music.
His first band, blink-182, kicked some serious ass back in the 90's and early 2000's. Mark Hoppus sang more and was a much better singer, but Tom had the "Fuck me up the ass" attitude. This made him funny and fun to listen to.
Blink took a break in 2002 and Tom formed Box Car Racer. BCR wasn't as funny as blink, but still fun and catchy.
In 2003, everything went down the toilet. blink-182 released the "blink-182 (Self titled)" album. This album had Tom singing the majority of the bullshit like "I Miss You", "Always", and "Feeling This". "All good songs, just not his style" I said to myself until I heard the rest of the songs on that terrible album. They had joined the emo dark side and later broke up.
Tom later on went to form Angels And Airwaves, a pathetic excuse for a band with only a few good songs. He claims that the new band will change the world, but his ex-best friend begs to differ. Travis and Mark's new band, Plus 44, has one song released, "No, It Isn't", which is about Tom.
Now...Tom doesn't give a shit about his fans anymore. Just watch the Interviews on www.angelsandairwaves.com in which he lies about almost everything the guy asks him. He still has the potty mouth, but where's his sense of humor? Anyone who knows him, please encourage him to talk to these people: Jaret Reddick, Chris Burney, Erik Chandler, and Gary Wiseman.

Tom DeLonge: Angels And Airwaves is going to change the world!
Mark Hoppus: No, it isn't

by I LISTEN 2 EVERYTHING August 21, 2006

220๐Ÿ‘ 247๐Ÿ‘Ž