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throw a stone in a glashouse

A Swedish term you telling someone to not blame another person for their actions when they do the same thing themselves.

"-Why didn't he use the blinker when he changed lane?
-Hey, don't throw a stone in a glashouse now."

by Cocaininyourvein May 15, 2016

Pull the Pin and Throw

Telling someone that they needed to have made their directions more clear to begin with.

"So you need to make this have no flat edges"
"Okay so I'll make a circle then"
*After it's done*
"No you did this wrong, the circle has a flat edge"
"You know I heard something funny Pull the Pin and Throw"

by whirlwind62 October 24, 2019

Throwing up 4s

Throwing up 4s in pics means everyone in the photo is secretly gay for eachother

Hey look at them, they are throwing up 4s, they must be gay.

by anonymouspersonnnnnnn June 4, 2022

2👍 1👎

Throw me a bone

When you are so desperate in life and need a bone to bail you out.

Trevor J lost so much money gambling and texted his bookiethrow me a bone”. His bookie felt bad and threw him a bone giving him free play allowing him to have an opportunity to win his money back.

by Iwillpredictpeople72937 June 20, 2023

Cheetos Throw Blanket

The act of throwing collected Cheetos dust on a blanket and 2 people roll around in it. They then proceed to lick it all off while still on the blanket.

“It took a long time to finish doing a Cheetos Throw Blanket”

by Delaginger February 26, 2021

throw a brick at the door

When someone, some thing, or some place offends you enough or is so poor by comparison to another such person, thing or place that the most logical reciprocation, sometimes ironically, is to smash the door with a blunt, heavy, nearby projectile such as a mason's brick, creating an inconvenience (and, if the door was glass, a safety hazard) such that the interested parties are coerced into correcting said problem.

My Aunt's eggs and grits are so good that it makes you want to drive by IHOP and throw a brick at the door.

by SleeplessInSeattle October 23, 2013

Free throw hoe

Definition is, a girl who is easy to have sex with.

Who does not much effort to have her agree to

Have intercourse, probably because of a low self-esteem or imagined status gained

You should hit up Sara for sex she a "free throw hoe"

by Drewbonix&chronic November 13, 2021