When some you are talking to on the phone,starts to text someone else while still on the phone with you and you hear that annoying sound of buttons being clicked
person 1) Hey wats up wat r u doing
person 2) nothin much just texting tori
person 1) o thats kool
person 2) hold on she txted me back
person 1) ahh dude u just thumb attacked
A person who's thumbs are wider than long, which is weird.
Kristen, wth, you have .. OMG TROLL THUMBS
An adjective used to describe a person who just can't wait to shoot every friend they have on social media with a text or post or snap or story or message or photo or life experience or etc etc etc.
I’ve gotten so many texts today and I’m really feeling thumb happy!
Verb. Used to define when two men sit down at the same time while making a thumbs up gesture on the seat next to them, proceeding to insert their thumbs up the other individuals rectal cavity.
John: hey you wanna play thumb wars while we watch house hunters?
Joe: yeah I'd love to but only if you spit on it first.
To show your approval for a girl by jamming your thumb up her ass.
Trump: "Yes, it's true - a grabbed her by the pussy!"
Guy talking to Trump: "That's it? You mean you also didn't give her a Backwards Thumbs Up? I'm...disappointed!"
When you're hitting it from the back and you slip a thumb in.
Alternatively: then shrapnel from an exploding fire arm cuts your jugular artery, and you are forced you plug the wound with your thumb.
I was using those old SLAP rounds and the gun exploded! Had to use the ol' Kentucky Thumb
Refers to Scott from Kentucky Ballistic's near fatal injury from a .50 BMG explosion that was averted when he put his thumb into a hole in his neck to stop the bleeding.
Just give her the Kentucky Thumb