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YouTube comment section

A Cesspit of braindead dumpfuckery Like all other comments sections. The only thing worse is comments on social media posts and forums. Also like social media Its swarming with bots waiting to scam you.

My Youtube comment section is full of pornbots

by None of your damn business June 11, 2023

im quitting youtube

what you say when youre quitting youtube

mike: im quitting youtube

by youlooklike July 21, 2020

youtube rewind 2019

probably the same mess as it was last year its not out yet tho

Gary: i loved youtube rewind 2019
Me: twists his nipples
Gary: thats kinda gay
Me:*suprised pickachu face* :O

by boredlmao November 25, 2019

Youtube Rewind 2019

Essentially, a shitty WatchMojo list.

Everyone: "Wow, Youtube Rewind 2019 was shit."

by An_Introvert2007 May 17, 2020

fake youtube friend

someone who friends you but they friend everyone bcuz they r eithr really popular or someone famous like a band

Joe: Did u see how many friends bobby has?
Mike: Yeah but I red ther names and 90% of them r fake youtube friends

by asscookiemonster January 10, 2010

Weird Part Of Youtube

It is like the Deep Web or Dark Web of YouTube. Normally reached by consistently clicking on "Suggestions" or "Recommended Videos."

I went from a Minecraft theory .
to a video about how "The Day Curious George Escaped the Nazis".
I knew I entered the Weird Part Of YouTube.

by TheAllMightyChihuahua January 29, 2018

YouTube Monetization Diet

The act of removing things from past or future YouTube uploads to increase your potential earnings for your channel. Things removed can include, but are not limited to: profanity, references to drugs and alcohol, copyrighted material, mature (or immature) humor, violence, guns, and dangerous stunts. To a lesser extent, ceasing production of material suitable for YouTube Kids can be considered part of this diet. Side effects of this diet may include compulsory stretching of videos to 8 minutes, bugging people to like and subscribe, and generally being a douche.

YouTuber 1: You've changed, dude. Ever since you started that YouTube Monetization Diet, you've stopped making the cool videos I subscribed to you for.
YouTuber 2: Maybe so, but now I can afford to buy a hamburger today!

by GHRockotron3000 May 28, 2021