Source Code

Gen Z Humour


Person 1: Hey guess what.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Juan
Person 2: *Laughs in gen z* I love Gen Z Humour

by Morgan Reeves November 14, 2020

16๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

(circle) (z)

in lower case circle now --> code for small..except small is under circle...circle< --->E

(circle)'s<------> are (E)verything<----- >is 18(z)<-----> everyhitng is Z<----> u.d is the designer...z

^ ----> (above it smarter

".." = "--" <----> is (conn)ected to (z)<-> (Circle) (z)

remember lower case and uppercase dnt mean the same

(H.S) -----> (HIGH).SCHOOL).. z LITERALLY TRANSLATION....you were always zoootd in high school thats why you can play the game...(d)esigned around (zoooters)

by 18<-->Z July 29, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Z Word

A novel by author Dennis Finocchiaro about a writer who collects stories in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

The book The Z Word is awesome if you love zombie stories.

by jdunham May 3, 2011

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GEN-Z Humor

A joke that only a certain group of teens, or pre-teen will understand

Gen-Z humor is a type of humor that's sad but in a funny but still depressing way, for example. A normal stable human-begin- "Do you like powered donuts"? GenZ-"Only if they have rat poisoning on it" Normal human-begin-"Are you ok"?

by YOLO GEN-Z November 20, 2020

24๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


Like "Jayzus", only Jay-Z-zus. Something you say when you're fed up and irritated. In place of "Jesus!"

"Will you shut up already, you been yapping your mouth for an hour! Jay-Z-zus!" or "Look what that girl is wearing! Jay-Z-zus Christ!"

by halo May 22, 2004

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Dragon Ball Z

A show in which people scream in order to get stronger.
Humanlike aliens fight alienlike aliens to save Earth. One of said aliens is often mistaken for a Pokemon.
The good guys can be revived by the seven testicles of a magic noodle dragon.
The only one who really dies is an idiot called Yamcha.

"On the next episode of Dragon Ball Z..."

by DTerra117 April 14, 2017

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Z-Ro head

People that obsessed and listen to nothing but Z-Ro (Famous Houston rapper) and say various lines from his songs to everything in life shouting ABN. (Asswholes by nature) passing on the idea of hate and not trusting a soul and to be stuck up and an ass for no reason in assumption that people care about you or try to waste your time or block you from getting money. These are people that live their every day lives listening to Z-ro and nothing else and exapect their friends to know the songs and every word. Someone that steadily compaired their life to the music of Z-ro and claim to have lived in hard times like him so they relate and live by it like the bible or new found religion from the ghetto and in most cases are young or super late to the bandwagon of Houston rappers.

Damn everytime that white girl pull up in drive thru all you hear is Z-ro blasting about nigga that and nigga this, she ain't even black and like what 16? Where did she learn about this artist?

It's because she encountered other Z-ro heads, and so now she is a Z-ro head and all about Z-ro a sudden wanna be.

by Skurs December 27, 2018

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