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Matt Faggott

Boy on twitter. Cute and writes great tweets. He's hot and one of the best tweeters.

Person 1: "omg have you seen Matt Faggott on twitter?!"
Person 2: "yeah omg he's well hot but he'll never notice me".

by C4rrotm0nster_ June 13, 2012

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Matt Serrano

A gay, lesbian, bisexual, perverted, retarded, weird, autistic boy/constipated elephant all mixed into one package that will certainly make you cringe so hard youโ€™ll want to hurl yourself off a bridge and be impaled by a gay pride flag pole. Matt Serrano is so ugly youโ€™ll throw up so much that it will reach china. Matt is in love with every thing that either notices his existence or looks at him for a millisecond. Matt likes to collect toenails from random sewer rats and uses them to pop his enormous pepperoni pimples.

Matt Serrano is mostly used to wipe a garbage mans ass crack

by Randy DiSmellio January 16, 2020

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Matt Delantonio

matt delantonio is the biggest simp this side of the mississippi. he is what you would call a borderline retard, and has the IQ of an unbaked muffin. Matt Delantonio is dating a fellow unbaked muffin named Sofia, who is the dominant one in the relationship and single handedly destroyed his friend group. All of Matt Delantonios friends now despise him.

damn that simp is a Matt delantonio to the max nigaaaa

by 420weed69 January 12, 2020

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Monster Matt

A "Monster Matt" is the lowest form of humanity. Typically a Monster will have disgraceful oral hygeine, consisting of crooked yellow teeth, severe plaque and dog-shit breath. Their hair will often be of a golden brownish or flat out stinky-ginger colour (Which they shamefully try to label "off-brown" in vain). Monsters smell all the time, even when their clothes are "clean", this smell often orginiates from vomit and piss stains that they have acculmulated. Monsters have really dark pupils, like the common Tiger Shark, and a very small and shrivelled pink penis which my resemble a pig's tail. They have a fondness for cats which is admirable, but a hatred for nearly everything else. A Monster finds joy in life in only one manner, making people laugh. They will go to great lengths to achieve this, particularly from people they look up to and will often been seen acting like a clown or stumbling around aimlessly drunk and being laughed at by massess of people. Monsters have no sense of self-worth, no sense of community, no sense of right and wrong and hate things for no reasons. They are usually athiests, vegetarians and virgins. A lot of their psychological issues can be traced back to distubringly incestuous relationships with their poor, call-girl mothers. These women are nearly as repulsive as the Monsters themselves due to their parasitic nature of moving from partner to partner, dragging the monster around as their emotional baggage and wasting what little money they have on breast implants. It's easy to pity a Monster, but don't forget, they don't want your pity. They have no soul!

The worst thing about Monsters are that they have no concept of self-improvement or decency. This common personality flaw can lead Monster's to suicide in their mid 30s. It is said that Monsters usually struggle growing up from their comedic, alcoholic heydey that is their 20s as their friends (or friend) move on with their lives. As they struggle to adapt to living with their mums for 15 years, dropping out of uni and working as a recycler worker Monsters start to become increasingly realistic and realise that theirs is a life that is not worth carrying on with. Never mind.

A Monster's only real claim to fame is that they have never been beaten up by 2 girls.

Monster Matt Matt Johnson Matthew Johnson Ginger Disgrace Gilbert Ginger Fuckbag Shark Eye Sharkey and George Milky Ron Weasley Burn victim Boiled at birth Domestic cat

by NIckyboy187 May 27, 2009

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your matt

When a tool continuously uses the words ya mum for a whole 5 minutes or more.

Matt: ya mum

You: no, your matt

by deadly pansy March 14, 2005

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The type of 8 year old to break in your ranch home and steal your Xbox 360 and Cheetos

Shit!! Matt Came!! Fuck!!

by NannyFucker3000 July 18, 2018

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Matt is a very kind and religious man, he's smart and good looking he will never leave you, he is a very loyal friend and he is sometimes weird but in the good kimd of weird, he is sweet and soft hearted.

Matt is handsome

by secret-user.. March 15, 2022

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