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A generic term used for a morbidly obese security officer who lacks the social skills and charisma to actually get laid. One who is quite possibly a closer homosexual who craves the mighty peen. He is also a religious zealot who denies science and logic when it precludes his beliefs in a false God.

SO1: Man, that guy is a real Richard.
S02: Why's that man?

S01: He really has a thing for another guy but is too shy and his fat folds prohibit him from confessing his love to the younger Richard.
S02: He just needs to come out of the closet. It's 2019 man. He needs to just face the REAL facts and stop making them up as he goes.

S01: Yeah, I know right? We both know there are like unlimited genders and he just can't accept it.

S02: Yeah man, he needs to drop that fat so he can finally see his dick.

by \ O(W)O / December 12, 2019


A guy with no brain. but somehow with a huge skull.
(Eh, probably useless)

Amanda: Have you seen Richard?
Lisa: yup. He's stupider than I thought!

by Hereisdannyboi December 19, 2017


had big dick

Richard has a big dick

by OH DICK October 14, 2019


Richard, most hottest and cutest boy in school and has a big cock and has a great personality

Richard, most hottest and cutest boy in school and has a big cock and has a great personality

by Eshaythebahhh November 23, 2021


Run as soon as they say their name is Richard. His perfect eyes and perfect dick will knock you down over and thru the woods to grandmother's house. He has no remorse unless of course, remorse will get you to forget. He lives in his world and it's as if Richard was actually the word narcissist, only the first dictionary publishers name was Richard so he did the ole switcheroo. Nine times out of ten their mothers quit talking to them by the time they are 35. Ten times out of ten they will cheat on you. If you meet a Richard and don't turn and walk away, you are stupid.

If how to deal with a narcissist is in your suggested videos on You tube, your boyfriend's name is probably Richard.

by Ms. Baker May 16, 2021


Coolest mf alive. Is cooler than all of arams shit.

Richard is cool and better than Aram

by The cool guy that wrote this 😎 November 27, 2021


extremely immature. always has dirty hair and mind. can be a very good friend if u know him well. if u do not know him, stay away and call a professional. not very reliable if he is not one of ur best friends

dude. ur acting like a richard

by judiththequeen2008 May 12, 2020