If u have a bad grammar u might spot one, they usually spam a insult and then say some lies
Non sense bullshit go
U got baited lol
Bait is the food taken to work by miners down the pit.
Common usage in NE England
A "bait tin" is what he carried it in.
Sometimes called "Snap" further south.
"I'm starvin ... I haven't had me bait coz I left me bait tin at yem (home)"
Slang term for a drug that keeps you awake for long periods of time.
That dude is on some serious bait dude.
Used by trolls on the internet who purposely post controversial and/or ridiculous opinions in order to incite a reaction from other users.
Gregor: Yeah I believe all protestants would be spontaneously launched into lower earth orbit
Edmond: Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?
Gregor: Bro dude it's just bait lol
Colloquially, something desirable meant to lure targets into a trap, e.g. food on a fish-hook.
In the context of online discussion, it refers to poorly articulated and inflammatory opinions posted for the sole purpose of angering and provoking a response. The actual validity of the arguments exchanged is completely irrelevant, though baiters will often open with very poor arguments to tempt targets into an obvious rebuttal.
It's a powerful form of double bind, because:
1) Ignoring the bait makes you look like you're capitulating and "have no good response".
2) Answering aggressively opens you up to mockery about being butthurt or defensive.
3) Any calm, coherent response will be ignored, and might lead the baiter to escalate their provocation.
Regardless of how you react, these discussions are deliberately meant to waste your time and energy.
- "I can't believe how stupid this guy is, he's completely misrepresenting my position and-"
- "Dude, it's clearly bait. Let it go."