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Sexy camel

When your pegging your man and he starts to cum. You hammer fist his back twice as hard as you can. Causing him to scream like a camel and leaving two lumps/humps on his back

Tyrone....."Peggy sexy cameled me last night so hard I can't sit o wooden chairs

by Sir Udiealot June 17, 2020


To feel as if you are carrying a heavy weight on your shoulders for long distances- past tense of camel/verb form

Because of all my stupid schoolwork during finals week, I’ve been camelling a lot and I can’t stand how exhausted I am.
I camelled through the group project, because I carried the weight on my shoulder

by Starboy02 December 6, 2023

A Camel named Mick

A camel toe (preferably in leggings) which is displaying spectacularly puffy labia.

"Bloody hell mate, look, it's a camel named Mick." As the girl walked past in the gym.

by Monkie72 June 13, 2022

Camel's Hankerchief

The gusset of a ladies underwear when aroused and moisture is showing. Derived from "Camel Toe", with consideration to the issue of a camels snout when it has a cold.

Ms. Higgins was astounded by Lord Barnsworth significant man parts , so much that her nether garments had become to resemble a Camel's Hankerchief

by freudianslip69 September 19, 2024


The act of using ones tongue to grasp at a drinks straw instead of simply placing the straw in your mouth using your hand
(Similar to how a Camel strips leaves off of a Bush and/or Tree)

Watch that girl camelling it looks really strange

Haha dude that girl was totally camelling that straw

by Sway Smith April 24, 2011

Camel Dusting

A generally unpleasant task or chore.

Cleaning dog poop from the yard.

I’ve got to get the camel dusting done before my wife gets home.

by Aj.aka January 13, 2022

Man Camel

A hybrid of a human male and a camel, created for advertising purposes. Known for his love of cigarettes.

Joe the Man Camel would ultimately meet his end from lung cancer brought on by excessive smoking.

by MadMark255 September 29, 2021