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clown it up

when you're putting on your makeup in the car, early in the morning trying to hide the bags under your eyes from late night partying, and your best friend is driving all crazy so the makeup ends up looking like a clown

Yo, don't make that crazy u-turn into traffic ahead. I'm putting my make up on, and you're going to clown it up.

by joseszipper September 8, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

clown hole

the same thing as saying asshole...only you're not saying it. and if someone asks you what u called them... you can say "oh, nothing...just a hole full of clowns"

Your such a clown hole!!!!!

by therealchaka April 1, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass clown

people who have nothing better to do than waste ones time

1. snape is an ass clown
2. snape is being a serious ass clown today

by The all knowing God June 29, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Clown Shoe

Used to describe some one or some thing that is useless to the point of hindering itself and others. An unnecessary addition to something that would work better without it.

Player1: Dude that guys been a real clown shoe since he joined the team.
Player2: Yah, at this rate we'll lose more games than we did last season.


If you weren't such a damn clown shoe I wouldn't have to fix your screw ups all the time!

by My name is Sha March 15, 2008

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Clown Question

Comes from the phrase "That's a clown question, bro." which was spoken by professional baseball player Bryce Harper. It means to ask a question, that without prior knowledge on the subject makes you look like an idiot.

"Bryce are you going out for a beer after the game?"- Reporter
"I'm not answering that. That's a clown question, bro."-Bryce
"You know he's a Mormon, right?"- PR rep to reporter

by AriGoldismyagent June 13, 2012

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clown nose

when you fart in your hand and close it then cover someones nose with the hand full-a-fart

o god while i was sleeping he gave me a clown nose

by bobo the sad for uties September 9, 2005

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Goth Clown

People adorned in black, white and other ridiculous color combinations meant to convey the visage of "hardcore." They just look like fags though. See juggalo

That Goth Clown looks like a faggot.

by Igor McDiction September 4, 2008

32๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž