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Hi real emo here to clear things up. noun- 1) Emo (or Emocore) is a genre of music deriving from Washington DC, and is parented by the punk movement. 2) Someone who is a fan or admirer of emo music.

Adjective- 1) relating to emo music

But since this is also Urban dictionary and I myself am an irl emo, noun- 1) emotional self-harming bitch
2) depressed darkly clothed teenager

Adjective- 1) depressed and emotional

I am emo.
I am an emo.
Because of the melodic structure and emotionally centered lyrics, P!ATD used to be emo.
Brian is an emo jackoff.

by EmoEmu_69 January 6, 2020


Usually white ass motherfuckers trying to make themselves look like the school shooter…. Usually have their own made up names

Jayden is calling themselves Jess because they’re that emo

by White cracker hunting videos May 18, 2022


Some one who listens to deep sounding songs. Also 99% of the time cry due to the g note

Person1: " Dude, Sydney and Grace are so emo."
Syd and grace: "wHeN i WaS a YoUnG bOi"

by True life of a fab killjoy January 29, 2018


A person that was strong for too long but finally broke from the weight on their shoulders and showing how broken they are through their clothing and music choices also some of the nicest people you could ever meet because they know pain too well to let others feel it.

P1 "see the emo group over there"
P2 "ya"
P1 " they're so nice but they look so scary "

by Yeezue take the yee December 22, 2017


Emo is a life style usually an Emoperson wears black and only black unless it’s on a band shirt than some dark colors are used. There best friend is there Guitar. There hair usually is long and has bangs that cover one eye.They listen to punk rock, hard rock, and Metal. The only place to shop if your Emo is hot topic, and Emo’s usually suffer of depression, and like to have time alone sheltered from the World.

I’m So Emo I can name every song on BVB,s Albums

by The Emo Pringle chip June 3, 2018


Kiera. Kiera is the definition of emo

‘Oh my god you’re such an emo, you’re acting like kiera

by yogobear April 11, 2022


A slang term for cool lit

Ohh she a really cool emo like leslie

by Th3plug309 June 11, 2018