A Milwaukee Faggot is when two people of the same gender, preferably males, have aggressive sexual intercourse publicly in Milwaukee. Milwaukee Faggot can also be used as an insult against somebody who performs this.
John: I did a Milwaukee Faggot with Scott last week.
Bert: *vomits*
A disgusting, vile, putrid, excuse of a human being that acts as a parasite to society. they spread by the Thousands implanting an infectious seed into people so their kind can procreate and make more parasites. They are an invasive species and must be exterminated. They can usually be spotted by wearing champion trash such as hoodies, sweaters, and sweatpants. They wear crocs and blast SoundCloud rap trash wherever they go. They are mostly of minority racial groups such as Hispanics and blacks but can also be in the white cracker fuckboy variety as well. These parasites can mostly be identified as Male as well since women are the superior breed and cannot succumb to a Faggish infection so easily.
Ex: Why are there so many Sewer Faggots that exist?
If somebody gets really mad because their "waifu" is getting insulted.
Normal Person: yo rem sucks ass!
trigger faggot: stfu don't u dare say something against rem!!
1. “Fag / Faggot” A slur, typically used against homosexual men, or LGBTQIA+ individuals in general as a way to insult them for being not heterosexual.
2. “Fag” slang for a cigarette, typically used in places like the United Kingdom
Man #1: John is definitely going to hell for being such a fag / faggot!
Man #2: Imagine being a homophobic piece of shit, couldn’t be me
Man #1: Oi, lad, wanna go get some fags from the shops?
Man #2: Don’t have to tell me twice mate! Let’s go!