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Muddy foot print

When approaching the end of an anal sex session, find a nice light colored surface (ie linoleum, tile, wood), pull out and slap your chocolate covered meat down. This will leave a "muddy footprint".

Hey, did you see that sweet "muddy foot print" I left on the kitchen table?

by Richardo - X January 22, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

the shoe is on the other foot

the situation is now the opposite of what it was, especially because someone who was weak now has power

The shoe is on the other foot because he atcually passed the test. I did not know he could do that.

by kikipiki December 14, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

10 foot rule

When you see a customer within 10 feet of you, you ask them if they need assistance. This applies to employees at retail stores like Wal*mart.

Bob (a Walmart associate) is stocking shelves in the chemical department, and he notices a customer about 6 feet away looking at the air-fresheners. Bob uses the "10 foot rule": "How are you today sir? I notice you're looking at the air-fresheners today." Customer: "Yes sir. I see you have new Glade candles scents for the fall season." Bob: "Why yes we do. We have 4 new scents to choose from, and we also have them in the spray forms, as well as the plug-in oil refills." The associate used the 10 foot rule very well resulting in a happy customer who will most likely continue to shop there time and time again.

by Grunge4Life82484 September 19, 2013

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Left Foot Lucy

A church organist, typically an older woman, who plays the pedals like those of a spinet organ, i.e., using only the toe of the left foot. The result is a choppy bass line that will make any real organist cringe.

Wow, the music at church was awful today. Old Left Foot Lucy must be off her meds.

by sonofalucy May 16, 2011

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Put his foot in it

1. Do a task exceedingly well.

2. Kicked the shit out of it.

"If you add up everyone else's points, it still wouldn't beat Bob's score. That bastard put his foot in it."

"Jim board checked Rex so hard he broke the glass! He put his foot in it!"

by D3N41i March 25, 2011

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black foot indian

a native american with a very large penis

black foot indians are da bomb

by joey chambers September 7, 2007

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Put His Foot in It

Idiomatic phrase meaning to make a mistake - having stepped into a pile of manure metaphorically speaking.

When he asked her if she'd put on weight, he really put his foot in it.

by mebelh June 1, 2007

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