The choice of web suicide or deletion of interactions for one’s own amounts to web death with regard to ones internet life.
choice of web suicide or deletion of interactions is web death
When a Woman is successful in whatever she does, then all of a sudden losses it all because she decides to get into a relationship with a man which is the cause of what she lost.
Damn She was the Champion until she hooked up, Death by Dick or She was CEO until she had to step down, Death by Dick.
the only two things that are inevitable in this cruel world
death and taxes are inevitable
Among us in real life.
Full of gay men trying to find out who's the serial killer.
Cast consists of a bad posture (because he is holding that 11 inch monster cock) scoliosis but yet hella sexy emo detective who hasn't slept in fucking years with a sweet tooth, Justin beiber (big shlong edition) raging gay with a god complex who finds a death note and kills criminals with it.
I'm sure Light Yagami was prolly making fun of L for being british behind his back.. chewsday innit!
Stan Ryuk
Person 1// Damn.. I LOVE Death Note
Person 2// Fr man, that show was hella good
Person 1// I hate Near
Person 2// Fuck off.
THIS IS THE BEST GAMING YOUTUBER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pleace Suscribe
Using a person death for sympathy or clout , usually through social media
I can’t believe their using *enter name* passing for death clout
A game that should only be played as a last resort , as it leaves your fate entirely up to luck. If you win you will have good fortune for life , if you lose your fate will be worse then death itself.
This is a Deaths Gambit kinda risk.