When a girl gives you a blow job so fast, you cum before getting fully erect
She speed sucked me last night
The look someone gives you when they want to suck your dick
Yo buddy over there just gave me the suck eyes, he must be gay.
To call and/or compliment someone by pulling air through pursed lips (or blowing air through opn lips but closed front teeth with tongue pressed to roof of mouth). Catcall. steups n. Trinidad & Tobago. Name given to the sound made by sucking air past the teeth with lips pursed.
When you nut and ygirls mouth and she spits it back into your penis hole
Damn my dick hurts, girl gave my the counter-suck
A term used to describe when a situation really sucks, however it sucks for more than just that one person or individual, for example two armies fighting in a flooded city is a sucky situation for both therefore, balanced. Hence "A Balanced Suck."
"I hate that new feature"
"Yeah man same, it makes it harder for both teams."
"I guess its a balanced suck then..."
"Not so bad then I suppose."
When a girl blows you and makes half Moan and half mumble something and you can't hear her. But continue spreading cum in her throat. Don't forget breath mints.
That whore totally grumble sucked me hard. Didn't hear what she said but I don't care. She only cost me $30
He just does.
And I mean you.
And you stoll my neck phone thing.
Give back.
Look at that Phil sucks over there, he's the worst
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