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Canada's History

A sex act only successfully performed once by Steven Colbert with Barbara Streisand's nose and lots of baby powder.

Yeah, he Canada's history -'d her REAL good!

by TheWorkman February 5, 2010

Canada's History

A sex act so absurd and inappropriate that those even mentioning have been arrested for pedophilia, lewd behavior, and public indecency.

Not to be confused with Canada's Hysterectomy, otherwise know as the mere sight of a Canadian man.

This girl was so indecent that she even performed Canada's History with him.

by xythadar February 5, 2010

Canada's History

Canada's history is a sexual act so horrible it can't be described. But it does involve a set of moose antlers, maple syrup, and the stanley cup...

Man, I gave my girlfried the old canada's history last nite! Boy was she tired afterward.

by lord brownington February 5, 2010

canada's history

a canuck guzzling maple syrup while jacking off in a beaver's tail and getting rammed from behind by moose antlers.

I just did canada's history for five hours last night

by colbertnation90806708 February 8, 2010

canada's history

A sex act where 2 men and 1 women take maple syrup and lather up the stanely cup and insert it into the rectum of the women. The men then proceed to stimulate themselves using the stanely cup. The women preceeds to beat and lacerate the men with the antlers of a moose and teeth of a beaver, to the point of death of one of the men. The other man then uses the organs of the other man as sex toys and nourishment. It is finished up by a double suicide of the man and women by drownding in maple syrup.

Eww... Stephen Colbert just mentioned canada's history.

by sicksega February 5, 2010

Canada's History

The sexual act of eating yellow snow and then vomiting it on a partners genitals right before sexually gratifying them.

Heather was delighted when I showed her Canada's History

by crossedcords February 5, 2010

Canada's History

See epic fail.

Guy 1: "Hey buddy."
Guy 2: "Hey. Nice new public house they built here, eh?"
Guy 1: "Oh.. you're Canadian aren't you? Get out now, and take your shitty canadian bacon with you."

...Canada's History...

by CheoTrawford February 5, 2010