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Cookie Sheet

A name for a man so extremely hot and sexy that you could bake cookies on his chest, thus using it like a cookie sheet. By the way, this person would be so hot that the cookies would just melt right off.

1. That guy playing basketball over there without his shirt on, ohhhh he's a cookie sheet.

2. The man with the flub hanging over his pants is totally not a cookie sheet!!!

by Arizona_Bam January 27, 2010

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Cookie ADD

Someone who's attention is completely taken away from what they were doing when they see a cookie

John: did you understand number 3?
Adam: yea, you have to take the statistical mean of ... Coooooookie... sorry, the total sample size.
John: Damn son you got some massive Cookie ADD

by aderol April 27, 2010

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gloom cookie

This is a term which predates the comic book, and originally referred to people in the goth communities who were (like an Oreo) dark and spooky on the outside, but clean of the stereotypical gloomy gothic emotional core. As originally described, a gloom cookie individual is "not goth, but not not-a-goth."

I hang with the goths, but I'm more of a gloom cookie.

by Tonistist April 28, 2016

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vanilla cookies

A white girl's pussy.

She got some good vanilla cookies!

by Feelmore March 16, 2011

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cookied out

Being oblivious and overwrought due to the excessive eating of cookies.

I didn't play football with my friends today because i was all cookied out.

by ryan ainsworth October 10, 2005

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Cookie Monster

To eat ass or pussy out with the same hunger and love as Cookie Monster does for cookies

Sam whispered in Neda's ear during a family dinner party "I wanna Cookie Monster your ass later... Uhm Uhm Uhm"

I ate her ass out while making the "uhm uhm uhm" noise and she called me Cookie Monster.

I Cookie Monster-ed her pussy

by CoolMude June 15, 2017

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Cookie Monster

This is the result of large breasted women who's nipples appear to be loaded into a bra with either one or both in the non forward facing position. The effect resembles the googly eyes of the muppet character Cookie Monster.

Dave "This girl is making me cross eyed"
John " Yeah, she's got cookie monster real bad"

by sparky347 July 24, 2011

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