Source Code

Hispanic Jesus


When Sebastian joins the server we will crown him Hispanic Jesus}

by Urban-Kick January 8, 2019

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Pulling a Jesus

When someone on chat says "BRB" and doesn't return for days.

Buddy: Hey bro, brb.
Friend: Aight, I'll be waiting
*3 days pass*
Buddy: Oh hey dude, i'm back, wassup?

by userbrn April 28, 2011

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Jesus Roll

When a song, movie, or attractive person you meet at a bar all of the sudden goes all Churchy when you aren't expecting it. Like a Rick Roll, but the surprise is Jesus.

I was totally hitting it off with this girl, then she had to leave early to go to church. Jesus Rolled!

by Munche May 1, 2009

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Jesus Crust

He is the son of Crust God. He was crucified for our memes and came back on the 3rd day to teach his diciples to spread the teachings Crust. Never touch his sock because if you do he will anally rape with a stick while screeching โ€œREEEEEEEEEEE!โ€

I pray to thee, our lord Jesus Crust.

by Jesus Crust April 7, 2018

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Fire Jesus

Fire Jesus is essentially real Jesus with two major differences; the ability to shoot flames, and the psychotic tendency to burn Pagans. He will spend vast amounts of time simply hunting down and burning Pagans with flames that spurt from his palms.

Pagan: Man, I sure am ready for a long day of bettering my society as a whole followed by some naturalistic tree worship!

Fire Jesus: My ass you are! *shoots flames which instantly incinerate said Pagan"

by Chocolate Pudding Man September 16, 2011

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Jesus Jenelle

1) a common phrase when you seen wit Kieffah
2) a phrase when Jenelle screws up and doesn't take care of her baby.
3) Said when change jar in thrown at Keiffah

"Jesus Jenelle I seen you with Kieffah"

" Have fun on the streets with your boyfrieeeeeeend"

"Jesus Jenelle that was my change jaaar, why did you do that?"

by makinithailondesehoes December 30, 2011

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Jesus Handles

The handles inside a car by the seats that be hung on to when swerving around tight corners and yelling "JESUS!"

Alice hung on with all her might to the Jesus Handles and yelled the accompanying expression as Luke took a tight corner.

by Indigo Starr March 5, 2010

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