Someone Who Associates With Anyone Especially Without A Vibe Check
Too Many Rappers Are Open Zoos Now They Collab With Anyone For Enough Money
Short hand for open relationship. East coast terminology
Guy 1: Thought you already had a bae, what'r you doin with this thot?
Guy 2: Open Rels brah.
Guy 1: I'll be hoppin on your gf den~
Guy 2:Good luck. Open rels brah.
Example of a very loose woman
Loose, teacher of sluts, a shirt given to a person after you permanently opened an orfice; or found to be :~
Warning: Open Trench Below!
When your best friend thinks a certain store is closed but you know for sure that bitch is OPEN AS FUCK!
Richie: man that store looks like it's closed...
NIKI: nah that bitch is OPEN AS FUCK
RICHIE:yeah I think ur right
To finally have an orgasm after waiting so long
Donna came by last night I got to finally open locks.
Besides the "classic" musical-notes connotation, this phrase can also refer to either:
(1) Something you definitely don't wanna have in your car if you get pulled over. About the only exception, of course, would be if you're merely transporting empty gin-bottles to the redemption center; if this is the case, however, you will want to thoroughly drain and then neatly bag up said containers, and also either snugly cross-tie the bags' mouths or seal them with string or wire-twists so that (A) not much alcohol-fumes will escape to invalidly create a telltale fermented-beverage smell at your driver's door window, and (B) the officer can see that you weren't sipping from any of the containers yourself.
(2) The "wide latitude of interpretation" that the "right to remain silent" amendment is often subject to.
"I am hauling empty gin-bottles to the redemption center" is hardly an incriminating statement under most circumstances, so there should be no problem with any "open fifths", since conceivably you would have no need to remain silent if a policeman asks what's with all the bags of liquor-bottles in your back seat or trunk.
Not closed or blocked, such as my Fruit Of The Loom Dark Blue Stripe Underwear
I always was wet peeing inside my Fruit Of The Loom Dark Blue Stripe Underwear, until I opened the fly that my pee came out of my Fruit Of The Loom Dark Blue Stripe Underwear!