A non-violent knitting cult that likes 'ssoy bloo' (no, that wasn't a typo), and has its own language.
Daren was eager to attend his sons of the waterloo meeting, because he wanted to knit.
a non vulgar non offensive alterative to son of a bitch when using son of a bitch is inappropriate
i burned breakfast and smoked up the house son of a diddly
i left my shoes on the bus son of a diddly
son of a diddly a non offensive alternative to the vulgar and offensive son of a bitch when using vulgar language is not appropriate
my neighbor turned his dogs loose in my yard to do his business i told him not too that son of a diddly did it anyway and laughed in my face what a son of a diddly
i left my shoes out in the rain son of a diddly
Shes crazy; or did something stupid; somethings wrong.
SHERYLL: she's a son of a sack of shit
A game in which three males ejaculate into separate cups, and three females have to randomly choose a cup and turkey-baster it into their vagina. 9 months later, the females have to guess which male spawned their newborn child.
"Hey Kerri! How about you and Jasmine and Bella join John and Kyle and I for a game of Mystery Son this afternoon!"
"Sounds like a plan! Hope I get you!"