NOUN: Term of endearment for a voluptuous woman
She got a big booty, so I call her big booty.
Someone who has a big butt and knows they do some people think they do but they don’t. Big booty is only for real ones aka Estaphania
Ohhhh Estephina got a big booty.
Just like a hog a big face is also a meaning for a tall skinny man
Wow that man… He is such a big face
A big brain is a person who is stupid and yet smart with their stupidity.
Look! Jeff just pulled a big brain by jumping out of a three-story window to beat his sister down the stairs.
Usually retarded people that thing their smart but their not. They usually have small brains and just say they have big brains to make themselves feel better.
I'm big brains and i have a 69 average.
something u or someone did caught your attention and u thought it was very smart.
YO that microwave cookie was such a BIG BRAIN Idea