A trashy redneck mountain school. You could literally stab somebody, and the staff couldn’t give enough of a shit to do anything.
Rim of the World High School is such a piece of garbage dump.
Think Alabama but in west Michigan
Hamilton high school is where they fuck their cousins
Think Alabama but in west Michigan.
Hamilton high school is where they fuck their cousins
Hamilton high school is a school in Sussex, Wi. Other than the concerning amount of gun threats, this school is extremely superior to the falls.
Me: I’m going to transfer to Hamilton High School.
The whole student section: FTF!
Slang for an overly particular individual
That high toed MFer is too good to be seen with the likes of you.
GHETTO~ this school is ghetto, watch out for rats they are in the roof and classrooms also be prepared for dogs! they come in and look for weed sense 7th graders like to smoke weed! #run from the rats while you can. some of the teachers are pedos! be ready for fights almost every day, be aware of the expose pages you dont wanna end up on there. be aware that everything you do officer jonier is watching !!
lamar jr high school.. my sister went to school fell asleep in class and woke up with rat bites on her face 😡
the act of giving somebody gonorrhea, aka the clap
guy 1: "yo last night i gave becky a high five"
guy 2: "thats disgusting get that treated"