The act of flirting via G-Chat/Google Talk or the like, with a person whom you know, but not all that well. Often times this g-charming is accompanied by an uncharacteristically charming photo of yourself as your g-chat icon. G-Charming is often guarded, and less more veiled than other forms of flirting.
After noticing Megan, a pretty girl in his political science class, Max found her g-chat moniker on Facebook and started G-Charming her regularly.
"gingeriss blowjobiss"- ginger blowjob. recieving a blowjob from a ginger.
{g-blob} g-blobin it. smuts
dude "did you just get a g-blob?"
other dude "yea man i was g-blobin it"
dude "your shits fucked"
a person who scoffs at gingers
that g-scoff was acting all messed up towards those gingers.
A pimp ass motherfucka who likes taxidermy, especially buffalo, hawk, and moose beetle recreations. World champion wiener eater, twelve at once. Dislikes liver of aquatic mammals and avian reptiles. RONNI G IS LOVE, RONNI life.
ronni G is my everything.
ronni G makes me feel whole
If only ronni G were here to give us world peace, everything would be okay.
Have you seen the reality tv show, "Everybody Hates ronni G" ?
The act of fisting using a purple glove to replicate the purple aura of ganondorf's "b-move" in super smash brothers
"Yo, Chad I g-dorfed Suzy last night."
Watergate era (and beyond) intellectual expression to describe getting beyond lit.
This work thing sucks bro…. let’s roll some swishers, head to the club and go full G. Gordon until Monday
Is a YouTuber of unknown origin best known for playing Dragon ball mobile games such as Dragon ball Legends and Dokkan Battle. Also reviews cursed images of various fandoms.
Wears a green Hello Kitty monkey cap, Blue Denim Jacket
Quotes - Today is a special dae!
Yaro G got the whole squad going Baka