Sneaking inside someones house and giving them a good creampie while they sleep. Also know as 'Cheese Gating'.
"Yo man, you wanna cheese gate this hoe?" or "I cheese gated that bitch last night! I finally loafed in her!" Cheese Gating is a good activity for all.
a machine that destroys blocks of cheese in seconds
allan use a cheese grater to destroy the cheese.
Derogatory term for something uncool or shitty
If someone at work brings you a stack of files that they don’t want to do.
“Damnit Bill, that’s some soft cheese”
If someone does something shitty or annoying
“Man, that’s some soft cheese, get out of here.”
a non binary person that sticks a dildo into a piece of gouda cheese
When a guy jacks off and he doesnt clean himself up afterwards so his cum turns into hand cheese.
Don't touch that guy or else you might get his hand-cheese on you!
Food that comes out of your mouth when you sneeze after eating.
"Achoo!" <person looks down at hand> "Awww man, I got the sneeze cheese!"
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A pungent film that forms on the genitals of both men and women. Usually, after vigorous activity. Can also be attained from not bathing for extended periods.
Some attribute the origin to the middle age Dutch surname Froomuda, but there is currently little evidence to this claim.
Man, I've been running all day, and now I've got serious frohmunda cheese.
We were about to get it on, but her panties came down and all I could smell was week old frohmunda cheese.