Short bearded ill-tempered bear type power-top.
He's a wee little fucker but he is a rage giver.
When You put tooth pics on your dick and you just start plowing.
"Holy Shit, That's one Raging Cactus"
The awkward boner you get when watching Cinderella
I was watching Cinderella with my parents and before you know it, a raging Cinderella appeared
When your highly anticipated package arrives and you rip the box to shreds because you just can't wait any fucking longer.
"dude whats all this brown stuff on the floor"
"sorry man I got package rage earlier when my grandma sent me some candles''
When something angers you so much you have to vent the pressure by taking a shit the size of the moon.
I'm so mad at that asshole Jimmy! I gotta go take a rage-shit.
Beef made with rage and anger in your heart.
"She made me so mad I ended up making rage beef for dinner."
The name of 26realms' most popular fast food restaurants. It's top product being a version of the dish "rage beef."
"I'm going to grab some Rage Beef on the way home."