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Chuck E Cheeses

A magical playland where a pedophile in a mouse costume watches children play and gives them fake money in the form of tickets. A place where losing in skeeball or not getting a 10,000 ticket prize results in children crying out of sheer depression. A place where workers couldn't give less of a shit who does what. A place where little childrens birthday parties are held and a giant animatronic mouse often malfunctions causing little Sally to act like a broken twig bitch. Diseases.

Sally stop crying in Chuck E Cheeses the mouse isn't real it's a robot, beyotch!

by cali-penguin January 12, 2015

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Good Luck Chuck

When you are the placeholder relationship partner that gets left so your ex can find their one true love. (Alternative would be good luck charlotte)

What happened to your ex?

Oh she's getting married to some other dude now.
Damn bro, you're the real life Good Luck Chuck.

Tell me about it.

by Sergio Serna September 4, 2018

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Chuck Norris

The reason Waldo is hiding.

C whut i did thar?

Waldo is hiding because of Chuck Norris.

by This is an alias. January 19, 2009

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Chuck Norris

The highest quality drug availible.

"Bro I want some weed, do you know anyone who sells?"
"Yeah my friend does"
"Is it good"
"Yeah, he has that Chuck Norris"

by nainostalgic July 18, 2008

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Chuck Taylor titties

When the tan line on a woman's breasts is well defined and goes horizontally across them, resembling the white tips of a Chuck Taylor Converse sneakers.

Guy 1: Did you see the tan lines on the chick who just flashed everyone?

Guy 2: Yeah those were the whitest Chuck Taylor titties I've ever seen.

by Chilly Ill Bill October 13, 2011

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Chuck Norris Effect

When someone's legacy is exaggerated beyond what they actually did.

Widely known people whose legacies are affected by the Chuck Norris Effect include:

Chuck Norris. Do an online search for "Chuck Norris facts".

North Korean leadership post-Korean war. Kim Jong-il propaganda told that he averaged 2-3 hole-in-ones per round of golf played, that he invented the idea of using 3 cameras at once to film a movie to save time (in the 1960s), and that he was born on a sacred mountain. All of which are not true or impossible.

Jesus. A man who did many great deeds and brought forth new humanistic philosophies was exaggerated to have fed thousands with only a few loaves of bread, to have performed many inexplicable miracles, to have ascended to heaven while alive after being resurrected after death, etc. The stories of his life were historically recorded several decades after they actually occurred leaving time for word of mouth to allow his legend to grow.

Babe Ruth. Watch the film "The Babe". Search online for historical inaccuracies within the movie.

by jasonjs December 15, 2012

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Chuck Norris

No word can describe him, other than Huck Norris.

Chuck Norris can believe its not butter.

Chuck Norris can touch this.

When Chuck Norris makes coffee he grinds the beans with his teeth and boils the water with his rage.

One day, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked himself to see what would happen. Scientists call this the Big Bang.

When Chuck Norris does a press up, he doesn't lift himself up, he pushes the world down.

The bible talks of judgment day. What it doesn't tell you is that it will be the day some poor soul tells Chuck Norris his mother is good in bed.

by Gingafish898 November 25, 2007

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