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Dead Soldier

An empty vial of narcotics, usally heroin.

Watch your step son, there be dead soldiers everywhere .

That nigga lives in da ghetto for real, look under his shoes, a lot of cracked dead soldiers!

by TheBunk February 8, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Having sex with a someone who is passed out.

I dead-horsed that girl last night.

by 1CRAZY1 November 12, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead legging

To hit some one hard in the back of the knee while all their weight is on that one leg.

Kicking some one in the back of the leg. Dead Legging is fun but hurts

by Sookielie December 4, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Leaves

Weed after it's had its THC extracted by butane during the BHO extraction process. If smoked while sober, it gives you a non-zero level of high.

"Hey dude, smoke these dead leaves with me?"
"naw, that shit just doesn't feel right"

by initiatoroflulz October 22, 2013

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Trim

Amans haircut

Aman you have a dead trim

by Amans trim is dead June 27, 2019

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Dead Clown

Mainly used in relation to depressed clowns but can also be used to describe circus acts with suicidal tendencies.

Trapeze Artist 1: "What's up with Dylan?"

Trapeze Artist 2: "He's having a real bad time at the moment"

Trapeze Artist 1: "You don't think he'll go Dead Clown do you?"

by AllTheWords March 13, 2013

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dead question

A question that can be answered but the answer doesn't add to or develop the conversation.

Jordan: Who was the last person to leave the party?

Eliot: Warren.

Jordan: Okay. Well, that was a dead question.

by yescommander December 19, 2013

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