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spanner fairy

Alistair Macleod

Alistair Macleod is a spanner fairy.

Spanner fairy's wind people up.

by naomileanne March 23, 2017

Fat Ginger Fairy

A common name for a retarded cuck. Usually guys from jones county, ga named Garrette trying to start a religious cocaine cult.

Yo. What the fuck is wrong with that fat ginger fairy?

by Gump_is_an_asshole July 14, 2023

Fairy fako

A girl on tik tok who think they are fairies

She is such a fairy fako

by Pickle the dinisour May 6, 2020

fairy lady

a term from the 1990s for a lesbian who bottoms in sexual intercourse.

"i heard she's a fairy lady!"

by heartica November 4, 2017

Tooth Fairy

An urban legend that children think is true but isn't.For example children put there tooth under there pillow and sleep then they think that the tooth fairy will take there tooth but its actually there parents.

Child:I can't wait for the tooth fairy
Parent:Takes the child's tooth and put money under there pillow

Child:Mommy!I got 50 dollars from the tooth fairy!!

by oh.its.me.mbasa June 22, 2020

Tooth Fairy


The act of farting underneath someone's pillow. Desired effect is for some unsuspecting sleeper, instead of a nice cool pillow, to get a fart in the face.

Dirty Randy: Hey what were you doing in Jimmy's bedroom?

Frisky Dan: I was tooth fairying his pillow for later on!

Dirty Randy: I hope he gets pink eye.

Frisky Dan: I hope he gets aggressive rectal cancer and dies......

Dirty Randy: That escalated quickly.

by Frisky Dan November 26, 2016

Fairy Freakout

A threesome consisting of only girls/ femmes.

Girl to her gf: I think this hag is trying to have a fairy freakout

by Dylan wood January 9, 2024