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Just friends

The two lamest words to have ever been put together,normally between a girl and a boy who are good friends,i advise you NOT tell someone you like them if they have been your friend for a while,because you will probally feel like utter shit afterwards.

dude-we been friends for a while,and i have to tell you i like you as more of a friend
girl-sorry,dont like you like that,just friends?
dude-*kills self*

by Iamdude August 31, 2010

33πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Friend limbo

1. -noun.
The prolonged confinement of a would-be 'friend' on a social networking website to a 'friend request' page. Results from never denying or accepting the prospective friend's offer to become friends. Often appears when a member has forgotten the prospective friend from some previous experience, or a member has never met the prospective friend, resulting in a dilemma for the member, who does not want to accept the friend, but wants to avoid hurting the friend by rejecting them.
NOTE: 'Friend limbo' cannot be modified by a possessive pronoun; one cannot be 'stuck in his friend limbo' or 'be keeping many people in one's friend limbo.' Friend limbo is non-specific, like 'Davy Jones' Locker.' Just as one cannot be stuck in someone's Davy Jones' Locker, one cannot be stuck in someone's friend limbo.

2. -verb.
To put or leave someone in friend limbo.

Damn, Jebediah, don't you remember me? We were roommates three years ago, but you haven't 'friended' me - I'm still stuck in friend limbo!

by Three Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty January 19, 2007

26πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

friend group

A friend group is something so incredibly special. It’s a group of people who all are best friends. Not just 2 people being best friends, it’s a whole group of people that share the same amazing bond with eachother. You all walk around school saying hi to eachother, laughing about the jokes you made at your last sleepover over the weekend, one of your 50000 sleepovers with eachother. Not having to worry about having no one in your class because at least one person in your friend group will be. Pool parties in the summer, all of you gathered around the camp fire late at night, all of you going out to eat together, sitting together in the winter with blankets wrapped around yourself talking for hours and without realizing it you guys have talked the whole night. A friend group is having a group of people there for you no matter what and always there to make you happy.

peer group definition. A group of people who share certain social characteristics, such as age, class, occupation, or education, and interact on a level of equality. An individual may be a member of several peer groups, including friends, schoolmates, and coworkers.

peer group definition. A group of people who share certain social characteristics, such as age, class, occupation, or education, and interact on a level of equality. An individual may be a member of several peer groups, including friends, schoolmates, and coworkers.

β€œDid you see those girls walk by? Looks like they’re all in a close friend group”

by Hi sjsha February 1, 2018

44πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

friend padder

One who adds random people or 1-time aquaintances to their friends list on Facebook or Myspace in an attempt to look more popular than they really are.

John added his friend's brother's best friend whom he only met once on facebook. He's a friend padder.

Billy looked at a girl's license in her purse during a party, in an attempt to later add her on facebook. He's also a friend padder.

by SjayRbnsn April 8, 2009

43πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

friend boy

A close male friend that isnt quite a boyfriend, but getting there. Usually closest friend or male friend. The guy you share all your secrets and pillow fights with. Usually some sexual tension there. Basically the friend version of boyfriend.

girl 1: so, what you do this weekend??
girl 2: i hung out with brad, my friend boy!

by roxygirlrocks90 May 25, 2006

96πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

fuck friends

n. When two people have a friendship involving casual intimate encounters usually of a sexual nature. Typically, the pair have regular romps without any heavy strings attached. The two people scrump and hump without obligation to be more than casual intimate friends.

My fuck friend is uncanny. He is the bomb and I love it when he explodes in my pussy.

by Barry Flomar January 18, 2004

266πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

internet friends

1. something that i need

2. people who you meet online and you instantly become friends b/c of your common interests

3. also could be dangerous b/c you don’t know who those ppl r and they could cyberbully you

basic internet friends
Girl 1: hey

Girl 2: hi

G1: im marise, whats ur name?

G2: im lucille. Nice to meet u. so r u excited for ..... *becomes instant friends*

*a year later g1 surprises g2 at a local park*

G2: omg its you!!! Finally

*runs to each other, high pitched squeals, crying and hugging*

by marise lucille December 28, 2017

48πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž