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A word to describe a certain minecraft youtuber(Technoblade)he is very good at minecraft and has cancer

Not even close baby, TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES! this was said by a hog

by PissSHadow November 22, 2021


A pair of breasts

Look at the hogs on that fine female

by dubstyle69 October 12, 2019


chewing tabacco

"Joe just threw in a fat hog "

by dishing_sauce April 1, 2018


Head On; Guts Out

Definition 1: For selling Codfish with the head attached but the guts removed

Definition 2: When girls have their hair and make up done, but their stomachs are showing because they are wearing a crop top.

Definition 3: Getting drunk and letting it all loose.

1. Fresh cod for sale - HOG!

2. Look at that HOG.

3. I think I might get Hog tonight.

by kayler41 June 28, 2021


(derogatory and politically loaded slang)
An insult that is used in online left-leaning communities to describe conservatives, other right wingers, and/or bigots; based from the "pig" insult for the police

My teacher called me a whore just for being gay and I later found her masturbating to a picture of Trump. She's such a hog bro.

by dardardardar69 April 4, 2022


HOG or Heart of Gold.

Someone that has purest form of intentions, and is simply being who they are.

That dude has a heart of gold. But let's not get too crazy, name it a HOG.

by Hellodali December 14, 2021


Offensive racial slur that led to the downfall of the Sega character, Sonic.

SEGA to rename Sonic the Hedgehog as "Sonic the Guinea Pig"

by dsiabkr February 18, 2021