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Kentucky Uncle

When a man is brushing his teeth while taking a shower and the paste drops down and lands on ones meatus causing a stinging sensation.

I was trying to get a head start to my day by brushing my teeth in the shower and accidentally gave myself a Kentucky Uncle.

by Kentucky uncle Kenny April 2, 2022

Kentucky moonshine

When a country music video has a lot of semi naked women showing their buttocks like in rap music videos.

" have you seen the new Lonestar music video, its a Kentucky moonshine! "

by dxfd March 8, 2024

Kentucky Pancake

You’ll need someone old age for this to get that wrinkly pancake effect. Anyway the Kentucky Pancake is a famous sexual ceremony where maple syrup and crisped bacon is poured into a crack of an old folk. Propane is then sniffed to get that dizzy headache effect and you then proceed to motor boat the inside of the crevice.

- Woah man you made lovely Kentucky Pancake pancakes today thanks! My headache is absolutely killing me!

- Yeee well here in Kentucky us old folks do our community a favour for the tradition of our delicious home made Kentucky Pancakes! Best in the South, I’ll say!

by Officer Party Hard July 14, 2019

Kentucky Whirlwind

After eating a hefty plate of baby back ribs, one partner assumes an upside-down, cross-legged position on an elevated surface while the other runs circles around the first. Both partners expel their barbecue-fueled farts, resulting in a swirling vortex of methane.

To ensure proper execution, the upside-down partner must unleash a cry of "Howdy do!" in a long drawn-out fashion, spurring the partner in motion to increase their revolution speed, thus resulting in a very powerful, odorous whirlwind.

Partner 1: Have you thought about that thing I asked you earlier?

Partner 2: Oh right, the Kentucky Whirlwind? Yeah totally, I'll give it a shot.

Partner 1: Okay, did you defrost the ribs like I asked?

Partner 2: What ribs?

Partner 1: I want a divorce, Susan.

by Yung Fetus March 22, 2019

Kentucky Whirlwind

When someone swirls their tongue around the head of a cock as fast as possible.

Man last night she gave me the good old Kentucky whirlwind and it blew my mind!

by Shuttereye February 22, 2022

Kentucky Chungus

When you stick a drum stick in your arsehole and eat it.

Danny held me down and performed a Kentucky Chungus; In order to provide proper nutrition to the team before the big game.

by Thicc_Chungus_42069 December 23, 2022

Kentucky Moms Slay

K entucky
M oms
S slay

I wanna Kentucky Moms Slay.”
Do you want to see my therapist..?”

by Erika&Zamira&Red July 5, 2023