def: a metaphor for anything that is more than average
i'm fast as a mother fucker!
you sweatin' like a mother fucker!
yo momma is loud like a mother fucker!
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this saying has its origins in the 70s love movement and was made really famous by Cheech & Chong in the 80s through their marijuanha films.
It does not mean OMG or awesome. It's a stand-alone phrase, usually preceding the phrase that will describe the object or situation that's freaking you out, blowing you away or leaving you at a loss for words.
It's present tense, denoting something that's actually happening and feels like it is beyond incredible.
Holy mother of pearl! Look at those tender young asses(on the beach);- cops in helicopter shadowing Cheech & Chong.
Holy mother of pearl! That's some serious shit.
Holy mother of pearl! That's one strong fuckin drink.
Holy mother of pearl! Did you see that?(a flying dog playing a guitar and shooting laserbeams from its eyes)
A spaceship appearing over London would leave you speechless, probably only with the ability to utter the words 'holy mother of pearl.'
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An exclamation of frustration, excitement, etc.
(Walking through the halls of a very crowded school where freshmen feel it's okay to stand in the middle of the hall and make out)
"Holy mother of hell! Move it and get a room!"
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Is where you have left someone outside a car a proceed to drive off. While putting up the automatic window start to move upwards in time with the window crying "Toodaloo Mother Fucker"
Dave: Hey let me in.
Choi: No
Choi: "Toodaloo Mother Fucker"
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It is simply a roast.
original word is " mak kau hijau " in malay language
Kids in Malaysia use this roast its kind of a signature roast.
adam : hey you stupid guy
man : your mother is green!!
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a woman who is supposed to be your caretaker, but only takes care of you part of the time. The majority of the the time she neglects you for her addiction or other problem.
"My mother was a part-time mother because she couldn't seem to kick her habit. It was too much for her, so somebody had to come in and take action: CPS.
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The Trump lackey and disgraced journalist who spread the Big Lie about the 2020 Election, knowing it was a blatant falsehood. Fired my Fox News after costing them $787.5 Million in damages in the Dominion lawsuit of 2023.
That Mother-Tucker Carlson got what was coming to them for Spreading the Big Lie. Now he will have plenty of time to tan his minuscule testicles.
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