A woman blowing a guy and impregnating a woman with his load
Mary had a Bee's threesome with the couple down the street last night.
Blowing a guy and impregnating a woman with his load
Last nicht I had a bee's threesome with the couple down the street
the absolutely normal act of two willing participants shoving a knife hilt side first into their rectum and then proceeding to fight each other by flailing their bums at each other.
You sir! I challenge thee the a Bee Fight! En Garde!
When someone send you the bee movie script or someone reply’s to your comment with the bee movie script
According to all known laws of aviation there is no way a bee should fly, it’s wings are too small to get it fat little body off the ground, “you got bee movied”
The ultimate pest, especially the "final boss". It can be found in nature in tall trees, forests, and the ground. It often is with hundreds of other bees, which are ready to sting at any time.
Bees are truly the most reliable weapons.
A sexual act that requires one male, one female and another partner of any sex.
The Any-Partner performs oral sex on the male partner until the male individual ejaculates in their mouth. The act is followed by the any-gender individual performing oral on the female partner, spilling the seeds into their Vagina
Jessica helped me do the bee with Becky last week. shit was wild