When one or more people witness or experience something either very scary/angering/cool/funny while everyone else around has no clue that anything at all happened.
when tim and john saw steve slit his own throat while no one else in the group noticed anything at all, tim and john experienced a secret universe.
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A hand gesture involving the thumb, index, and middle fingers extended, with the palm side of the hand facing inward. The hand is also turned so the index and middle finger point horizontally. This gesture should be understand all over the world as signifying "Yo."
Whenever I bump into my homies, I flash them the universal "yo". If they flash it back, then shit is all good.
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College located in Newark, DE 19711
UD specializes in assigning students numbers and only caring if your tuition is paid up.
Prof do seem to car for students if you let them.
Party school where admin constantly tries to curb college "binge" drinking with gov't grants.
Where cops are assholes
A college that used to be really ool when the Ballooon was still around
Where locals are reffered to as "townies" but in reality only applies to the thugs that hang out that do NOT actually attend UD ex "your from Newark" yes "so your a townie?" No, I actually go here
I go to University of Delaware because I didn't apply anywhere else
My parents are happy I'm staying in DE, please shoot me
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A third-rate state university that has suceeded in brainwashing its students into believing that the First Amendment is evil.
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but if someone calls you a name the University of Delaware will expel them.
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Rich smalltowners
This accounts for a majority of the students. Rich kids that lived in small towns in Connecticut mass or RI, whom always had dreams of validating themselves by moving to a city. They play their stereotypes and fashion statements to a t, understanding they got all of their influence on how to live from MTV. Like the foreign kids they have no appreciation for anything, including their education. Many of them try to act like they have some kind of financial concerns but they are lying. They are really boring judgmental and suck at life.
Didnβt make it to emerson
Group of artsy failed hipsters who couldnβt get into emerson. Generally move to Cambridge or allston and try to latch on to the hipster scene of other schools.
Minorities and nerds.
The minorities are blatantly ignored, but seem to do okay forming sub groups. They take advantage of all suffolks unused resources, because everyone else is too snooty to do so.
The nerds are funny βSGAβ student government. Itβs a mystery why they would invest themselves so much into school, yet go to one of the worst schools. They work hard and are intelligent but are looney and socially inept which is probably why they couldnβt reason well on their SATβs.
Most Suffolk students, either claim of transferring, or complain about what a Suffolk degree will do for them.
Suffolk university
mary- i have so much money on my meal plan, ive only used it to pay for overpriced-mixers on Friday nights
kate- yeah the food is alot better and less expensive right next door to the cafe
mary- i know, i had to buy a meal plan, but who cares its my parents money.
tim- im bout to buy a bottle can u throw down?
kevin- nah dude u know me, broke college student (new macbook pro in his lap, expensive fitted with matching shoes, spent 25 bucks on dinner at some surrounding restaurant)
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James Madison University: THE University of Virginia.
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An infamous hip hop website which consists of an ellite group of M.C.'s
Freestyle Universe will kick your ass
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