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Reverse Self Irrigator

A delicate manoeuvre when one has just taken a dump and has come to a sudden realization that there is no toilet paper left. The Reverse Self Irrigator (or RSI) is when the dumpee bends his penis under his gooch and proceeds to piss into his crack, which then cleanses it. This move is exceptionally difficult for females as it requires a hosepipe or fishtank pipe in order to be performed. This can often be challenging as one must remember to block the penis whilst taking a dump in order to not lose valuable piss which will later be used to cleanse the asshole. If the dump is an afghani mud musket then you are in for a bad time.

Pat: Wow that dump was good
Mitch: How did you wipe, these gas stations never have toilet paper
Pat: No problem man, I just did Reverse Self Irrigator

by ISStudent July 26, 2012

Self-Styled Psychos

People who kick ICP fans asses

self styled psycos kicked his ICP loving redneck ass

by cait sith November 8, 2003

Self taught artist

Something bad artists use as an excuse or reason as to why they aren’t very good, rather than admitting they don’t practice. These people often don’t know that nearly all artists are self taught, and that having a teacher doesn’t make you an amazing artist.

Amy “Damn Chad I wish I could draw like that, but I’m a self taught artist, can you teach me?”
Chad “You’re just garbage.”

by Smelly Property December 24, 2019

mindless self indulgence

one of the best punk/breakbeat industrial bands ever. known for lives shows where in some cases Jimmy Urine (singer) pisses on himself and makes out with the crowd

im going to the MSI show this friday and i hope Jimmy pisses on my face

by pete December 15, 2003

206👍 57👎


Taylor Soushek.

A boy who is self-conceded, talks of no one but themselves.

by Magget90210 October 25, 2010

2👍 9👎

Check yo self

A command that is blurted out, usually angrily, by one individual to another as a condemnation of the latter's behaviour, actions or poor choice of words. Those who indict another with such a phrase normally do so if the said individual has severely offended or insulted them, and are calling upon the individual to think about what they have done and atone for their lack of judgement.

Variations of this phrase, such as "Check yo self foo!" and "Check yo self before ya wreck yo self" are also used to communicate the same message: correct your behaviour (idiot/before you get in trouble)

Check yo self before ya wreck yo self. them shotgun bullets are bad fo' ya health!

by Street Shakespeare December 10, 2010

49👍 11👎

Nagging Self-Awareness

The little voice in the back of your head that warns when something could end poorly for you. Commonly confused with the conscience. A Nagging Self-Awareness is different from a conscience in the sense that, while a conscience generally stops one from doing something that could harm, or hinder everyone involved, a Nagging Self-Awareness tends only to speak up when it's owner in particular stands to lose something from the deal.

"Ol' Frank always did have a talent for ignoring his Nagging Self-Awareness."


31👍 6👎