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Mega Simp

A man who changes there snapchat bitmoji so that it matches with his girlfriend’s.

Damn Jack is such a mega simp.

by McNguyen June 14, 2020

17👍 3👎


A person who masks their real personality to fit in, they act like everyone else just to seem cool or be accepted. They flex and act tough to perceive better than they really are. They follow trends such as clothing, activities, ways of speaking and many other in style things. Not caring about anything like personal hobbies or bettering yourself, you just want to do things that make you seem like everyone else. Most high schoolers are simps, in the aspect that they want to fit in.

Synonyms: masked, follower, average, etc..

That bitch is so simp, wearing Brandy Melville like everyone else.

What a simp, I've never heard that kid say anything original.

Don't be so simp, you act like every other kid.

by Kennythefanker May 9, 2017

1👍 6👎


A VERY annoying word used by people you can’t get a girl and want to put down the ones that can.

“Dude your a simp.” “Shut up you are just mad that a got a gf.”

by Unknown6901 May 7, 2020

1👍 6👎


People who leave me on read

Dude Cameron left me on read he’s such a simp

by Simpkiller69 March 22, 2020

2👍 6👎

simp pimp

A Simp Pimp, is someone who shamelessly accepts money, gifts, and favors from others who hold them in high regard. A Simp Pimp may have a small or large group of individuals who continuously shower them with valuables, gifts, money etc in hopes that the simp pimp will notice them, spend time with them, or sleep with them etc.

Much like a pimp extracts money from prostitutes, a simp pimp expects money from simps. It is a self aggrandizing term for people who openly abuse the generosity and kindness of "simps".

The simp pimp may acknowledge or give small rewards to the simps occasionally to lead them on, but will never actualize any meaningful relationship with a simp. Any simp who gains momentary acknowledgment through excessive gift giving is referred to as the "bottom bitch simp".

Common examples of simp pimps include: E-girls, cam-girls, strippers, and other sexy ladies who "get dummies for they money".

Nikki: Holy hell Megan, where'd you get all this money and fancy stuff?

Megan: My army of simps keeps giving me lots of valuable shit and doin favors for me, hoping that I give it up to them. I might if I feel like it, but I dunno, I'm waiting to see who my bottom bitch simp is.

Nikki: Damn Megan you're a savage AND a simp pimp!

by IrisGreene June 14, 2020

20👍 4👎

Simp General

The leader of a legion of Simps.

She’s at the command of thousands of white-knights and desperate men, who’ll do anything to protect their queen. They’re ready 24/7 to drown her in complements or swarm her with donations. In return she’ll maybe say their name if they’re really lucky, but the simps know all too well they shouldn’t expect to get anything back from her in return for their service.

You’ll find these Generals on platforms such as Instagram, Twitch and TikTok, along with their army.

Examples of famous Generals: Addison Rae, Madison Beer, Pokimane and Ava Rose

Wow, Madison Beer really has an impressive army. She’s the biggest Simp General out there.

Dude, look at that Simp General over there. She just received a 3k donation and didn’t even react or say thanks to her Simp.

I wonder whose army would win in a battle between those two Simp Generals.

by Doctor G. Hennen April 25, 2020

9👍 1👎

Simp Lord

one who simply puts in too much effort for a girl they will never end up with

Will is literally by definition the biggest Simp Lord in history.

by nikkamaster October 5, 2020

9👍 1👎