Okay, hear me out, most of dem rell dotish but some could be really sweet. Yeah they go be staring at naps and pres man but dats jus cause dey doh socialize so dey keep dreamin' cause dey too afraid of rejection n doh know how fine or cute dey are.
Naps Girls talking:
Girl1: Woah! I know that dude! I've meet(/seen) him before!
Girl2: Dat naps man over so?
Girl1: Yeah!
Girl2: Well go talk to him nah
Girl1: No.
Girl2: Why?
Girl1: Cause.. he wouldn't want some sweaty, crusty girl talking to him!
Girl2: Ight, suite yuhself.
Taking a quick nap with a nickel in your hand. As soon as you drop the nickel on the floor you wake up and go on with your day
I’m so tired but i don’t got time to rest, a nickel nap might do the trick.
When you fall asleep while driving and end up in the ditch.
I was really tired today after work and I decided to take a dirt road nap on the way home.
😱:Kidnapping is an Easter egg, you look at your consumer electronics, take a nap, and wake up bully from---
Taking a shit so righteous its considered giving anal birth; and then preceding to take a life changing hibernation session afterwards.
Has anyone seen Armando? He said he had to take a shit but its been a good hour.
He probably ran off and took a Mexican Nap!
When you sleep to forget Your sadness/pain.
I felt so bad that I had to take a sadness nap.
The feeling of grogginess, confusion, and overall mental retardation in the aftermath of waking up from a nap.
"I took a tard nap this afternoon and, when I woke up, felt as mentally incompetent as a Republican senator from the south."