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tree orphan

A dirty , weed smoking hippie who's parents have died from a drug overdose. Often used as an insult.

You don't support the war in Iraq? You goddamn tree orphan!
"I heard that guy talks to trees." "He is such a tree orphan."

by swag_rabbit69 August 26, 2017

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drunken trees

A phenomenon in which trees appear to list to one side because the soil has shifted from melting of permafrost. Unfortunately seen more than ever because of global warming. In Alaska, what may be the worst example of this phenomenon in the world is continuing to happen, especially in and around the Kenai Preserve.

In the Kenai Preserve, four million acres of forest are dying. You can tell by the drunken trees and the "silvering" and sap loss from the spruces.

by pentozali May 3, 2007

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tree brained

The state you enter into after smoking large amounts of marijauana.

Dude, I'm tree brained.

by jturbo October 2, 2009

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Christmas Tree

A person of either gender who is extremely pleasant to look at, but has no real intrigue or redeeming quality past their looks.

Bieber's abs are great when photo-shoped, but Marky Mark will always be my favorite Calvin Klein Christmas Tree.

by brizzlesticks January 10, 2015

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dead tree

when 27 Black guys have a gay orgy on the top of the eiffel tower

guy: What do you see through the telescope
girl: 27 black guys having a gay orgy on the top of the eiffel tower
guy: oh a dead tree

by Anal_Warrior27 June 19, 2018

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tree gals

besically girls hu r lesboic and climb trees

some examples of tree gals are: aime ellie and meme

by sparks da ledge August 3, 2005

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Tree Monger

Something that hangs in a tree that you have no idea what it is but you see something dangling from above

Crikey look at the size of that Tree Monger over there.

by O Crispy March 3, 2008

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