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rope bomb

Public display of rope bondage, usually in the form of rope suspensions.

Also referred to as guerrilla rope.

see 'shibari,' 'japanese rope bondage,' 'bondage.'

We rope bombed the statues in the park doing a yoko tsuri suspension with 6mm hemp ropes. A little girl approached us and asked what we were doing. We told her we were practicing for the circus.

by Rigger kawaii October 18, 2013

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bomb along

travel very fast

I'm not used to bomb along with somebody else's car.

by Love636 August 31, 2015

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Water Bombing

The act of getting free waters at McDonalds and then proceeding to throw them at on-coming traffic or pedestrians

Last night we went water bombing, and we hit an old man on a bicycle.

by Judd the fudge flood February 2, 2007

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google bomb

Using a script to Google search something millions of times, making it appear as if tons of people had actually searched for it.

When members of Anonymous google bombed "justin bieber hit by car", many fangirls crapped themselves.

by wikiboy December 31, 2011

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Keeshy Bomb

For girls only, you tie a male partner down on a bed, and whilst they remain there, you jump off of a trampoline up into the air aiming to land on their erect penis

Tomorrow im going to give him a keeshy bomb

by Michael Mario Luigi Drozd January 21, 2009

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Turd Bomb

When you keep a picture of a turd you have taken or downloaded on your phone in order to bring up when someone sitting next to you in any event or location is looking at what you are doing on your phone. It's a shocking reminder that they should not be snooping, and they should mind their own business.

"Oh that's a picture of a Shit I took this morning... You've just been TURD BOMB(ED) i thought since you where so interested in what I was doing on my phone you would be happy to know that I am also regular

by Louie!!!!! August 16, 2013

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OG Bomb

OG Bomb

A sickening alcoholic beverage consisting of Hennessy cognac and Heineken. To make a OG Bomb, 1) fill a glass with half a bottle of Heineken. 2) Pour a shot of Hennessy. 3) When you are ready to drink, drop the shot into the glass of Heineken and chug fast! REMEMBER: It's a shot, not a mixed drink!

og bombs alcohol hennessy heineken

by Choi-er June 5, 2014

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