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Bucket Dipper

Someone who fails; Someone who hooks up with a fat chick, then brags

Brian left with that grenade last night, he still thinks she was hot. He's a total bucket dipper.

Brian's passed out...what a bucket dipper.

by Brian Payne December 30, 2011

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cum bucket

A (gay) man that enjoys ejaculating onto/ being ejaculated on by men.

Awkward Tom is such a cum bucket...

by TheBucketList September 24, 2010

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quief bucket

alternative word for "douche bag" or "asshole" more commonly used to describe someone as being inconsiderate, unkind, or just plain idiotic.

That new kid at school is a fucking quief bucket, he thinks he can walk through the hallways and push people out of the way like he's king DICK ASS FUCK COCK BITCH CUNT TITTY ASS SHIT!!!

by GodAlmightySatan May 29, 2010

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rusty bucket

A shot of the worst brand of tequila the bar has. Usually given to enemies, d-bags or just your idiot friend.

One usually proposes a shot and orders one rusty bucket and one good shot that looks like a rusty bucket (usually whiskey/vodka depending on color of tequila) so the other party is none the wiser.

After a set amount of time passes said target usually forgets so you can purchase another rusty bucket and propose it as an apology and punk them yet again.

Example 1:
Person 1: See that douchey bro by the bar
Person 2: Yea? Should we mess with him?
Person 1: Yeah, Go buy him a rusty bucket. That'll have him puking his brains outs
(Aforementioned Bro will be to douchey to realize what has transpired)

Example 2:
Idiot Friend: Ughh man wtf was that?
You: You just drank a rusty bucket dumbass!

by UrbanTequila September 2, 2015

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Fuzz Bucket

Whatever you want it to mean

Don't be a fuzz bucket

by 3Tdaddy March 14, 2017

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Duck Bucket

A duck shaped device used in chemistry procedures in order to accurately release fluid into a beaker or other measuring device or simply for the joy of ducking the bucket. The proper name of said device is King Duck "Camelback" Bucket the Third.

Ms. Munro: Now children fill your Duck Buckets with random fliff and use them to fill the beaker until there is fliff everywhere.
Me: Well isn't that just dandy.

by dinojones December 1, 2009

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cheddar bucket

a wastegash who has been rode bare and has got bare dried cum in her pussyhole.

JME:i rode that cheddar bucket hard
Chipmunk:was she bare loose?
JME:hell yeahhhh!!

by Dane Skinner April 27, 2008

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