A 17 year old tiktoker who got famous for basically moving her hands. She is overrated and thinks she can’t get COVID for partying and traveling apparently. She is also known as dixie’s sister who makes trashy music.
Who is charli damelio?
Me: a smelly hoe
A really cool kid ya know? Probably packing a 9 inches down there.
“Did you here about Charlie murdough?”
“No but I bet he’s packing a 9 in her down there.”
So she is the best fanpage on tiktok that i ever seen, she is so cute and lovely, pro at editing and very kind! u hate _.charli._.dunkin.xx? Read that backword:))
She is da best, i lav iu _.charli._.dunkin.xx
Someone who is very interested in Anime, quite shy and good-looking guy
"Whoa look at that guy, he is so King Charlie"
Taking a big piece of wood and dealing somebody in the forehead
I Charlie Chop him for being a jerk, and his head was bleeding!
When someone says something exceptionally unfunny, usually childishly so.
Wow man, you really just pulled a Moist Charlie. I'm disappointed.
An amazing, funny and original person who manages to make me laugh every single time they speak, however much I feel down.