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bullet in brain disease

An expression used to describe someone who was shot in the fucking head. This phrase is most commonly used by assholes, because there is no any particular reason anyone would use it other than poorly describing murder to a toddler.

β€œHave you heard what happened to Joe? I heard he contracted the rare BULLET IN BRAIN disease

by Mr/Stick May 13, 2022

20πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

Mad Cow Disease

your mother mid cycle

your mother during a heavy flow finding she has no sanitary towels in the house

by ulrich von lichtenstein February 5, 2004

5πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Mad Cows Disease

The chronic female ailment of post
menstrual syndrome or pms.
The chronic female version of the ailment better known as pms, where a
female experiences bitch-like changes in attitude and behavior, as well as
symtoms ranging from hysteria and paranoia oned day to amnesia and feelings of isolation the next day,
especially, if she knows she really did or said something really bad to someone else or to you. Mad Cows Disease can
affect any female at any age, but usually experienced or found in young
ladies in their teens and early to mid

Damn, girl! You just got a bad case
of the Mad Cows Disease!

by MANNY CARDOZA February 27, 2004

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

lupe fiasco disease

When a black person is half gangsta half skater. They'll wear krew jeans or other skate jeans with a hoodie and a hat with the sticker left on. They tend to be really good skaters. A lot of them wear vans, thanks to the pack. Ever since the rapper Lupe Fiasco came out with his song Kick Push any half gangster black skater is diagnosed with the disease. It's not really a bad thing to have it, it's just kind of funny. Many of the people who've got it are relativley hot.

Any black skater in skinnies, vans, a hoodie, and a hat definatley has lupe fiasco disease.

by Aimeeyeah April 10, 2007

64πŸ‘ 248πŸ‘Ž

ex girlfriend disease

when you and your significant other break up and you can't stop peeing blood..

damn! there's blood all over the toliet! either that guy is a girl or he's got the ex girlfriend disease!

by dirty 30 June 14, 2008

12πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

dutch helmet disease

A disease that make the foreskin red and the helmet bulbous, yellow and smelly

you've got Dutch helmet disease (dhd)

by Milly-o July 21, 2004

9πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

All-timers Disease

A reference to Alzheimer’s disease, there’s nothing funny about this. All-timer meaning an elderly individual, which are known to have this disease. There is nothing worse than losing your mind.

Ray: Why hasn’t Zachary been is class?

Kalder: He’s in Dallas visiting his grandparents, one of which is suffering from all-timers disease.

by ZachAttack94 April 30, 2019

5πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž