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dumb useless bitch

Your roommate's girlfriend who walks around your apartment in her underwear, using all your things and never saying hi. Has a face that looks like a camel that sucked on a sack of lemons. See mousy bitch, florida ditch pig.

ROOMMATE: "...or are you being dumb and useless again?"

YOU: "Dumb and useless? Are you sure you're not talking about that rude BITCH you call your girlfriend? She is the ultimate dumb useless bitch I've ever met"

by MahnaMadonna September 7, 2008

33πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Dumb Drunk Girl

Girls who primarily go to Illinois State. These specific girls wear dresses out and can often be seen out any night of the week. They are of below average intelligence and probably will believe whatever you tell them. 9 out of 10 times you will be able to hook up with them without even finding out their names or having any kind of communication at all.

Tommy: "Did you see the chick Fox hooked up with last night?"

McCormick:"Yeah man she was a dumb drunk girl"

by Spookywings May 3, 2011

169πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

dumb ass muthafucker

a combination of dumb ass and mutha fucker...
a noun- a person, place or thing

You Dumb ass mutharfucker
Sally is a dumb ass muthafucker
Where is that dumb ass muthafucker

by Dumb Ass Mutha Fucker September 20, 2004

54πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Dumb Down

To dumb down is an alternate way to say you're doing "downer" drugs (i.e. opiates, weed, etc)

Time to dumb down boys!

Guy 1: What you up to man?
Guy 2: 'bout to dumb down, what's good with you?

by xio2 August 31, 2010

3πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

big dumb stupid

The little shit of a spider that lived in a Minecraft world. He’s big, he’s dumb, and he’s stupid.

Max: Are we gonna kill the spider?
Ross: No, we’re gonna mock him until he dies. Get fucked, Big Dumb Stupid.

by Pisscum September 13, 2019

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Dumb Hoe Status

Whenever every a woman acknowledges and then ignores that a guy is being an asshole to her.

She has Dumb Hoe Status because she still dated him even after he gave her a black eye.

by El Cracker February 1, 2010

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Wormeth The Dumb

Lord and Master of the Not So Ornery Musk Rats of Southern Cambodia.

Wormeth The Dumb sticks it to his mistress every night. He is one bad mutha-SHUT YO' MOUTH! I'm just talkin' bout' Wormeth!

by Ross P. September 28, 2003

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