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Black Ugg Energy

A toxic girl with daddy issues that does anything they want without fear. most likely to kill or harm you over love regardless of moral alignment just like black air force energy these girls share more of a resemblance to goths girls or hello kitty girls

That girl you been talking to its is bad news she gives off black ugg energy .

Other Examples
Yuno Gasai (Future Diary)
Yuka Takaoka(Real)
Kotonoha Katsura (School Days)

by Zekie_Senpai November 21, 2023

Basset Energy

Lashing out at someone or being an asshole then blaming it on your self-diagnosed depression "acting up" instead of apologizing.

"She has such basset energy."

by yeeeeeeeeeetus July 7, 2019

no dick energy

a guy who doesn’t treat his girl right, cheats on her/him, has a weak personality, and brings down others to feel better about himself. overuses swearwords in a bad context. usually very pale.

Jesus, her boyfriend has no dick energy”.

by 5midanocpued October 21, 2018

Bang Energy

an American brand of energy drinks. It is made by Vital Pharmaceuticals, a corporation located in Florida

In 2017, Bang Energy announced a caffeine-free variant of the beverage, using beta-alanine in place of caffeine

by Wendysfg May 9, 2023

1👍 1👎

Bang Energy

Stupid over advertised energy drink that I see everywhere and according to danny is illegal advertising.

The Founder of bang Jack owoc is a complete tool and got kicked out of a boutique for being to picky with his wife's wedding dress.

Danny and bang energy drinks don't mix well.

I hate bang energy because of the ads for it on tiktok.

by Dannyisazombie December 4, 2024

teen dick energy

When someone gives the vibe that they don’t do any foreplay in bed and instead go straight to penetration

Boy: has gym pictures with sunglasses on his Tinder profile

Girl: He’s giving teen dick energy

by paco susman jr May 5, 2023

weatherman energy

When a Chad-type tries to convince you he can make his 4 inch wiener feel like an 8 inch cock.

That guy I told you about from Tinder had some serious weatherman energy. He was all like, “But Baby, let me show you what it feels like.” Get the fuck outta here!

by Dry with a chance of Squirting February 3, 2023