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asian kung-fu generation

One of the best (J)Rock bands ever. Formed during their college days in 1996 by Masafumi Gotou, Kensuke Kita, and Takahiro Yamada. Ichiji Kiyoshi joined them a bit later.

They play high octane guitar rock with emo and powerpunk influences. Their strong edgy melodies, adrenaline-drenched guitar and bass, fast-paced drumming, perfectly syncronized with Gotou's amazing vocal talents had gained them numerous amounts of fans and awards(even for music videos, lol). Although it took a couple of years to achieve the popularity that they have gained, Ajikan albums are topping charts, hundreds and thousands of copies of their records have been sold and they are filling magazine racks and displays of music shops all over Japan.

Also, their singles "Rewrite" and "Haruka Kanata," used respectively as the themes to anime series Fullmetal Alchemist and Naruto, have managed to snag Asian Kung-Fu Generation a much deserved international fan base.

Refered to as Ajikan by most fans. You should as well.

Stolen and edited from various forums and fansites.

Fangirl A: Dude, asian kung-fu generation is frickin awesome!

Fangirl B: Yeah man, Gotou's hair is smexy <3

Fangirl A:...Wtf?

by Narzhul August 25, 2006

101๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Generic roleplay gaem

a game that is very generic
and nobody roleplay in there
People just like to play bypassed music which is ptty cool

Oh and also grg copied prtty much evry bordr gam evr lol

Hey wanna play some Generic roleplay gaem?
Nah dude i wanna play some epic prtty much evry bordr gam evr lol

by Warma June 23, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The bestest show in the world. You are truly deprived if you have not seen or heard of this show. Watch it immediately.

Star Trek: The Next Generation is the life-giver.

by Randomhuggie January 9, 2010

139๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Asian Kung Fu Generation

A great Japanese Rock band that isnt Visual. Consists of 4 members; Gotoh Masafumi on Guitar & Vocals, Kita Kensuke on Guitar, Yamada Takahiro on Bass, and Ijichi Kiyoshi on Drums. They have all been influenced by such american bands as Weezer, Radiohead, The Beatles, Oasis, Smashing Pumpkins, Petshop Boys, and many others including other japanese bands. Their style and way of playing is very original in the japanese alternative rock genre that is usually dominated by visual bands.

"The Loop & Loop PV was great!"
"AKF is one of my favorite bands!"

by Andrew Mitchell April 6, 2005

96๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Generally speaking money basics

Expressing agreement, you bawlt-ness, or just generally rootin and a'tootin

Person 1: You gonna light up that menthol?

Person 2: Generally speaking money basics! YOU BAWLT!

by Mike Kim April 16, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

the-next-generation role play

The best RPG. Ever. Hands down. Kind of. There's Miri, who is the immature but awesome leader, Charlotte, who gets offended easily but everyone seriously loves her and who enjoys black things, Lily, who makes everyone giggle and giggles a lot herself and is just so sweet, Ginny and Harriet, the best ships ever, Jo, who fully supports Jamy, Mollie, who has been revived and has been missed greatly, Charlie, a quality RPer who is somehow capable of managing many characters, Lauren, who has some of the best jokes, Gail and Rhe and Sam who all make everyone smile, as well as Cassidy and Rhiannon and Amanda and Maddi and Marielle and Linda and Ilana and Vivi and Maura and Liz and Maddie and Elenor and Kathryn and Cee and Kristen and Rose and Frederico and Darcy and Paula and Sierra and Ria and Audrey and Jenna and anyone I may have missed are all awesome, amazing people.

The-Next-Generation role play may be extremely immature at times, but it's by far the best RP blog on Tumblr.

by iluvyouguysxox October 14, 2011

12th General Order of a Sentry

The 11 general orders refers to the Marine Corps guidlines for keeping watch during fire watch. Now only the Marine Corp has 11 however the Marines made one adition the 12th general order which is "To walk my post from flank to flank and take no shit from any rank"

so if a corporal is on guard and is instructed to let no one in for any reason and an officer demands entrance this is where the 12th General order of a Sentry comes into play, the corporal must tell the officer to leave and use force if neccessary, although under normal circumstances such an act would get the corporal demoted

by Elijah Groenewold May 2, 2006

282๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž