a Native American tradition to skin an elk, cut the head of a buffalo, and put the skull of the buffalo on like a mask. It could also be a feather headdress. Hang the elks guts up in a tree. Moon gooning is a spiritual thing.
Hey bro, do you want to come with Jack and I to go moon gooning tonight?
Taking Peyote with Native American’s at midnight and blowing off Buffalo heads with a shotgun.
Ethan and I are going Moon Gooning with Tribe Leader Stoodis later.
The act of taking peyote with the Navajo Native American tribe while blowing the heads off American Buffalo, than masturbating to resurrect “The Phoneix”.
Dallas and I are going Moon Gooning with Eagle Waters in the plains tonight
You blow the head off a buffalo then you goon under the moon light.
"The Boys and I were going to go moon gooning tonight"
Similar to gooning;
Requires the blessing from Eagle Eye of the Navajo tribe.
Often completed in groups.
Peyote is optional.
Moon Gooning requires the full moon.
Moon Gooning begins by blowing the head off of a wild buffalo. Next, one, usually the experienced moon-gooner, must begin gooning. This step is followed by the group continuing to goon whilst catching, skinning, and hanging up an elk. To complete the Moon Gooning ritual, the group must simultaneously ejaculate into to the carcass of the hanging elk.
Oh man, me and the boys are gonna go Moon Gooning this weekend. You should totally come, my dad's gonna be there!
A Verb; The action of Moon Gooning. Taking peyote and going down to the reservation to skin an elk/ blow the head off of a buffalo. All while gooning. Must be done with the natives. Requires a trip sitter. If done correctly can resurrect the phoenix from the ashes. If done wrong summons the Eight-Legged Chinese Man. People named Dave are not invited
I'm going down to the bayou and moon gooning with the natives tonight.
gooning at night while a priest blesses your gooning session, making your session blissful and divine
person 1: dude, my moon gooning session last night was so perfect!!
person 2: damn dude, i gotta get a priest to bless my next one!