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Itz Cookie

Is a very queer name. Is bad at video games. Has leas then 10k subs on youtube. Thinks he is cool. Gaz is a better name

Itz Cookie is a Youtuber

Itz Cookie is live

by VIPmanYT October 21, 2018

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got cookies?

When working in a retail store, a phrase to let your coworkers know a woman with nice breasts is in the store.

Hey Ricardo, got cookies? register 4!

by Paulie W June 23, 2007

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A snack made by Liv Hatley for her husband, Ben. Whenever she bakes cookies, she leaves a bowl of cookie dough for Ben to eat. Often his grandkids want some too. And that includes Bryant Hollifield. He once said 'Raw food is all the rage. Just think of it as Cookie-Sushi'.

Liv: Anybody want some cookies? There's a bowl of Cookie-Sushi in the refrigerator.

Ben: Man, you've been cooking all day? This calls for a serious Benmobile.

Liv: Don't forget about the soy milk smoothie I left on the table for you. I want to keep my Hatley boy looking good!

Ben: Yeah, Cookie-Sushi is all the rage these days. (digs his hand into the bowl) Mmmmm, this is good. I love chocolate chip cookies!

Nick: Hey, what's that? I've never seen it. Is that some cookie dough?

Ben: (laughing) Not just cookie dough, buddy. That's cookie-sushi! Just try it. You'll love it.

Nick: (unsure) Should I taste it? Would it be too raw?

Barry: Sure! Its not so raw. You know your grandpa Ben says: Raw food is all the rage!

Nick: This is great! But how are we going to work off all this gooey?

Ben: The Benmobile, of course!! Want a ride? (hops on the Benmobile) Here we go! This is going to be good.

Nick: Sweet! You know how I love to come along for the ride when you ride this thing. (he picks up a cowboy hat) RIDE 'EM, HATLEY!

Liv: (laughing) Have fun you two! Later on, I might have to hop on there myself. Cookie-Sushi rocks! (walks over and high fives Ben)

by Dusty's Baby Powder May 22, 2011

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Cookie Monstered

Standing over your opponent's bed while you shove cookies into your mouth and chew voraciously, spreading crumbs throughout said opponent's sheets.

I hated his online persona so hard that I went over to his apartment and cookie monstered him hard.

by DJ Starfleet July 16, 2011

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spilling cookies

A common term for inducing vomit while under the influence of alcohol of drugs.

can be played as a game where you try to throw up into a cup of containing device. 2girls1fingercan also be videotaped and posted online as the most brutal video known to man.

wheres tom?
spilling cookies

youtube that shit

by burying Djinn March 4, 2008

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orgasmic cookies

cookies that you eat, and then have an orgasm. duh :P

orgasmic cookies are orgasmic.

by snoop dogg? March 15, 2008

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love cookie

A male blowing ones load on the pillow of a fellow person and then the person turning over the pillow and having the male love juice on the side of the face.

Ryan rolled over on Bobs love cookie.

by Robbie E March 20, 2004

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