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beta male brainwashing


Indoctrinating a susceptible male to crave an inferior sexual role through pornographic audio, video, images, and literature. The first step is convincing him that he is beta (β) while most of his peers are Alpha (α). Then, by justifying and fetishizing the "Alpha fucks beta bucks" axiom, he is persuaded to understand and embrace his beta status.

α β Dogma

1. αbove, βelow
Proper pecking order in human society & natural selection

2. αhead, βehind
In board room or bedroom, confident α dominates, insecure β submits

4. α stud, β dud
If comparing body, face, penis size, sexual skill / stamina, etc, α winner, β loser

5. α pussy magnet, β pussy repellent
- α pheromones make pussy wet to aid in penetration & insemination
- β pheromones are pussy desiccants that impede penetration & thicken cervical mucus

6. α gets the thrill, β foots the bill
- α gives nothing & gets pleased
- β gives everything & gets teased

7. α sticks it, β licks it
- α goal to get his dick wet
- β goal to give unreciprocated oral sex

8. α breeds, β feeds
In reproduction, males seek quantity, females seek quality. Wise women find a witting (or unwitting) beta male provider before or after procreating with an Alpha.

9. α pokes, β strokes
Never any reason for α to masturbate or β to penetrate

10. α gets sucked, β gets cucked
- women love giving blowjobs if male is α not β
- α receives oral, β watches or gives

It's called brainwashing because the above statements are controversial.

After years of watching, hearing, and reading beta male brainwashing, I'm only attracted to a woman if she's the type that will happily use me for my time and money but never have sex with me.

by NeverGonnaGetIt69 July 19, 2021

12👍 2👎

White Suburban Male

-The most oppressed minority in the internet

-The default race

-Reddit's main demographic

-The main target audience of media

"Did you know white males are oppressed by the Feminazis and niggers on a regular basis?"

"Check your privilege White suburban Male"

by Falongrey11232 December 16, 2015

17👍 4👎

male nurse RN

Male Nurse must have testicles and a strong constitution to work with all the women within your career. Male nurses are very secure in their manhood and mostly work in ER, ICU, OR.

Bro, I am a male nurse RN. Freind" I thought nursing was for women" Well, you must have balls to be a male nurse!

by oufhifuhipuh April 3, 2010

34👍 9👎

Beta Male Music

Music that is written, performed, or about Beta Males.

1. The type of songs with lyrics that describe a male social outcast who in the end of the song may or may not win the popular babe he secretly crushes on.

2. Songs that describe beta male's in-your-face rebellion towards social stereotyping or alpha people.

3. Songs that profess a beta male's secret love to a girl of higher social status or simply, a girl he likes but knows he can't have; most commonly, his long-time girl bestfriend.

4. Songs that profess beta male's eternal love for his girlfriend or mom or grandmom or his buddies or his dad - whatever works.

5. songs that describe a beta male as his girl's "shoulder to cry on"

6. songs that describe a beta male's frustration over his relationship with a girl who's full of herself and does not value beta male's greatness.

Beta Male Music examples:

1. Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus

2. Pork and Beans - Weezer

3. Gimme A Chance - Plain White T's

4. 1234 - Plain White T's

5. Kelsey - Metro Station

6. Annabelle - A Rocket To The Moon

by wellhereigo October 4, 2010

58👍 18👎

special male friend

n. Related to the special lady friend, a not-quite-boyfriend of a female. Used to describe a fuck-buddy / friend with benefits.

Cate and her special male friend go out on friday nights, but she would never introduce him to her parents.

by c. penelope December 8, 2007

23👍 5👎

Single white male

/r9k/ permavirgin. May become prison gay out of desperation.

If you don't know what /r9k/ is you're most likely not a Single white male.

Single white males congregate on /r9k/ to bemoan their fate.

by YIKES77 September 19, 2016

200👍 77👎

Male Loneliness Syndrome

Male Loneliness Syndrome, known as MLS, is a heterosexual male mental disorder caused by constant rejection by women.

Jerry has Male Loneliness Syndrome since he no longer bothers to try dating women because they constantly reject him because he isn't good looking and rich enough.

by Jerry1971 June 4, 2010

43👍 15👎