The most colorful room you will ever see. Featuring thousands of dollars of clothes. Honestly it is worth more then you will ever make in your life honey. Not many will ever experience this room and it's greatness like it's owner.
If you die where do you want to go?
Either Heaven or Mason's closet
Masons closet: Similar to Heaven
When your standard for a guy you would have sex with is drastically lowered because you attend George Mason University.
Heard she started going out with Greg, I think she just gas a serious case of mason goggles.
When a bike sniffer performs sexual acts on a vodka bottle top on a snap chat story
Jeeeesus, have ya seen masons bottle top on Snapchat
The Bitches of time that love to do gay shit like eat lunch together and will eventually become married
Your Mason And Destiny is stupid af
A white, gay albino transgender, who sucks major ass and dick tips, also related to alpaca.
Mason Darland jus ate my ass a hole. fml
1. A figurative stigma or taint associated with a Freemason who has acted contrary to the principles, ethics, or expectations of Freemasonry, resulting in a damaged reputation.
2. The perceived risk of reputational harm or social contamination by association with such an individual.
-He got caught bending the rules, and now nobody will sit next to him in lodge. Classic case of *Masonic Cooties*.
-Careful who you shake hands with—Masonic Cooties spread faster than bad ritual work.
Pronounced Tea-Erica, MAson. Not the 1 or the 2. Not to be played with. Try Jesus, not Teaerica Mason. Not here for the bullshit.
Teaerica Mason will not be played with.